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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Nebulous, Icarus, Liberam Esse 2019

Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Liberam Esse 2019

Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Liberam Esse 2019
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In seeking a material representation of time, Anna Maye works with a delicate, dissolving, sugar-based material. She organically prepares the substance and manipulates it through a process of scanning. The result of this process is an abstracted and isolated emphasis of its fundamental material properties. The three pieces selected from the exhibition Ethereal Concepts for the NUI Art and Design Prize 2019 are Nebulous, Icarus, and Liberam Esse.


Anna is a recent graduate from the National College of Art and Design in Fine Art and Critical Cultures. In her second year, she received the opportunity to be involved with the pilot scheme residency in the Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA) in St. James's Hospital, Dublin with six other Fine Art students. This opportunity enhanced her practice and supported her in examining broader approaches surrounding the term ‘ageing’, as a fragile and integral part of life. This placement maintains a visible influence upon her practice, through her efforts to create a representation of the temporality of time. Time embodies the unstable and the disintegration of life; there is a freedom in what is unpredictable and unknown as the individual cannot foresee their life events.


Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Icarus 2019

Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Icarus 2019
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Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Nebulous 2019

Anna Maye, Ethereal Concepts: Nebulous 2019
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