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Wednesday 26 March 2025  

Dr Máirín MacCarron

Sarah receiving her NUI Travelling Studentship award from NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning at the 2016 NUI Awards Ceremony

Dr Máirín MacCarron receiving her NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities award from NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning at the 2012 NUI Awards Ceremony.

Dr Máirín MacCarron was a recipient of the NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities in 2012. She is currently a lecturer in medieval history at NUI Galway.

“The generous support of NUI allowed me to devote my time exclusively to research in my first big post-PhD project, and afforded me the opportunity to explore connected side projects which has led to the development of my next major research project. This fellowship has produced one book with another forthcoming, and seen the publication of several articles in international journals and essay collections. The support for research-related activities also allowed for my participation at international conferences, which has greatly bolstered my reputation in my field.

"The support for research-related activities also allowed for my participation at international conferences, which has greatly bolstered my reputation in my field."

My major achievement to date may be the impact of my collaborative work with scientists which began while I was an NUI Fellow: our book Maths Meets Myths has been downloaded over 4,000 times since its publication in late 2016 and our most recent article, 'Network Analysis of the Viking Age in Ireland as portrayed in Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh', published in Royal Society Open Science (2018), has attracted positive attention in the global media.

Sarah Johnson pictured with fellow 2016 NUI Travelling Studentship recipients (L-R) Hassan Ould Moctar, Paul Doody, James Millea, Aurélien Burlot, Vincent Duong

Dr Máirín MacCarron at the 2012 NUI Awards Ceremony with NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning and fellow NUI Awards recipients.

The best advice I can give any prospective applicants is to think carefully about your choice of mentor: the fantastic support of my mentor and the NUI have made a tremendous difference to my career.”

In March 2018, Dr MacCarron and her fellow research team members Prof Julia Hillner (PI, Sheffield), Prof Ralph Kenna (Coventry) and Prof Sílvio Dahmen (Porto Alegre) were awarded the Leverhulme Trust project grant for their project: 'Women, Conflict and Peace: Gendered Networks in Early Medieval Narratives (c. 330-735)'. The project was awarded a grant of £166,025 and will run for 24 months, from September 2018 to August 2020. For further information click here.



In 2018, one NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities will be offered to NUI graduates in all branches of the Humanities. The value of the Fellowship will be €80,000 (€40,000 a year for two years) and the competition closing date is Friday 20 April 2018.