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Wednesday 26 March 2025  

Dr Christopher Broderick

Dr Kieran Fitzpatrick

Dr Christopher Broderick

Dr Christopher Broderick was the 2017 NUI Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Sciences and is undertaking his Fellowship at the Department of Physics and the Tyndall National Institute at University College Cork.

His research project is entitled "Lighting the way for silicon photonics: theory and computational design of emerging group-IV semiconductor alloys".

"Following the completion of my B.Sc. at University College Cork in 2010, I was awarded an EMBARK postgraduate scholarship by the Irish Research Council to undertake a PhD in theoretical/computational condensed matter physics at the Department of Physics at UCC, where I worked in the Photonics Theory Group under the supervision of Prof Eoin O’Reilly. My doctoral research focused on developing the theory of the electronic and optical properties of so-called “dilute bismide” semiconductor alloys. For my work on this topic I was a joint-first prize recipient of the BOC Gases Postgradute Bursary in 2013. I obtained my PhD in physics at UCC in 2018 and have since held postdoctoral research positions with the Photonics Group at the University of Bristol, U.K. (where I remain an Honorary Research Associate, in recognition of my ongoing strong links to the Institute) and more recently with the Photonics Theory Group at UCC. My recent research has centred on developing theoretical and computational models to develop the understanding of the properties and performance of novel materials and nanostructures for applications in next-generation photonic and photovoltaic devices."

"I applied for the NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Sciences firstly in order obtain support for what I believe to be necessary and timely fundamental research on an exciting and technologically relevant topic, and secondly in order to allow me to pursue this research and related ideas independently: to establish my research independence, but to do so within a focused and interdisciplinary environment while tackling an important open problem in my field. I envisage that the Fellowship will play a defining  role in my development at this crucial early stage of my career, by providing me with the freedom to establish and maintain my own research direction and network of national and international collaborators".