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Wednesday 26 March 2025  

Dr Denis Dennehy

Dr Denis Dennehy

Dr Denis Dennehy

Dr Denis Dennehy was awarded an NUI Grant for Early Career Academics in 2020.
Dr Dennehy is a Lecturer in Business Information Systems in the School of Business & Economics and funded investigator at Lero | The Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software at NUI Galway. His current research focuses on the mediating role of AI and analytics in the context of information systems, and its implications for people, organisations, and society.
His research has been published in top ranked journals including, European Journal of Operational Research, Information Systems Frontiers, Information & Management, IT & People, Journal of Systems & Software, and leading practitioner outlets including Cutter Business Technology Journal and the Project Management Journal. He is a Senior Editor of Information Technology & People and is Director of the MSc. Business Analytics programme, which received the Dean's Award for Inclusive Teaching in 2019, and ranked (by subject) No.1 ‘Value for Money’ in 2020 by QS Rankings. He is a visiting academic at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, and University of Turku, Finland.


Project supported by the NUI Grant Scheme:

The 20th IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society I3E2021
Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitised Society

1st – 3rd September 2021
NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland