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Wednesday 26 March 2025  

Dr Colette Murray

Dr Colette Murray

Dr Colette Murray

Dr Colette Murray has more than 30 years’ experience in the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector in both national and international contexts.

Colette is interested in transformative and emancipatory practice in education and care. She has advocated for a comprehensive Diversity, Equality and Social Justice approach in ECEC policy, training and practice, introducing the Anti-bias approach to the Irish ECEC sector. Colette founded the Irish Equality and Diversity Early Childhood National Network (EDeNn). She is a board member of Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre and is a steering committee member of the international Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education (RECE) network.

Dr. Murray currently lectures on the Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) ECEC degree programme. She has written and published primarily on social justice, diversity, equality and Traveller issues. She is currently a Fulbright Scholar based at the Center for Indian Education in Arizona State University, USA. She is focusing on mapping the commonalities and differences between politics, policies and practices in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) related to Irish Traveller and Indigenous children (Southwest U.S.) using Brayboy’s (2006) Tribal Critical Race Theory (TribalCrit) as a lens.