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Wednesday 12 March 2025  

Beirne, Hilary T.

Beirne, Hilary T.

Beirne, Hilary T.

Beirne, Hilary T.
Educator community organizer

As a member of the Seanad, my decades of community work places me in a unique position to help build bridges between Ireland, and the US, as well as with the Irish community globally.
As a candidate in the NUI constituency, I have experience in Education, Agriculture, Environmental Science, Community Work, and International Affairs.
As an elected NUI representative in Seanad Eireann, I will advocate for additional resources for NUI, work with NUI Presidents to prepare graduates for the global economy, and represent graduates at home and abroad.
Originally from Boyle, County Roscommon, I attended University of Galway, University College Dublin, Atlantic Technology University (Mountbellew), and City University of New York. My education includes a Degree in Agricultural Science, and a Master’s Degree in Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.
In the 80’s, I started my career working with farmers in Louth, Dublin and Meath as a rep for an animal feed company, and subsequently I introduced the wrapping of the baled silage in the West of Ireland.  I moved to NY where I have obtained extensive experience as an educator, and organizational skills as one of the principal organizers of NYC’s St Patrick’s Day parade. I founded the St Patrick’s Day Foundation NYC, who today is the largest donor to the NY Parade.
I am second generation NUI, with my father a veterinary surgeon graduate.  My brother and sister are also NUI graduates, Dr. Kenneth Beirne MA, BA (UCD) and Regina Barry (Beirne) BA, (UG) and MA (UCD).
My Agenda includes:

  1. Representing all Graduates: I will include the 50% of NUI Graduates living abroad, I am committed to ensuring their voices are heard in Seanad Éireann.

  2. Advocate for Additional Resource for NUI: I will work with NUI Presidents to secure resources for programs such as study abroad, and global partnerships that will help graduates moving abroad.

  3. Champion the Irish abroad: With 1 in 5 of Ireland’s population abroad,  I will focus on strengthening economic, cultural, and political ties with them to benefit Ireland.

  4. Proven Leadership: I will continue to be an advocate for Ireland on the global stage, as I have in my role in the NYC St Patrick’s Day Parade. I will continue to defend the Good Friday Agreement, as I did during Brexit as the sole Irish-born national member of the Ad Hoc Committee to Defend the GFA in Washington.

  5. Rooted in Real-World Values: As a family man, I bring a commitment to the issues that matter most—education, agriculture, environment and community.

With every Irish family having a relative living abroad, I ask you to Vote Number 1 Hilary Beirne,

thereby recognising the value of a relationship with Irish citizens abroad, particularly graduates, and to give me a mandate for my program of advocacy for Ireland and the Irish abroad, something that will drive economic investments and political goodwill to Ireland from across the globe.

                                          Ireland’s Future is Global!