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Wednesday 12 March 2025  

Kenny, Mairead

Kenny, Mairead

Kenny, Mairead

Kenny, Mairead
Program Manager, Advocate for Housing & Homeless

Candidate Introduction:

Mairead is a Program Manager from Roscommon in the West of Ireland.  Mairead is a home-owner in Donamon, who also cares about homelessness, housing for all, affordability, fairer treatment for renters, funds mortgage prisoners, Donegal pyrite homes redress, emergency scoliosis treatment for children, social justice, commuters and many other causes.

Mairead was student at the Convent of Mercy Roscommon Town and competing at Gael Linn inter-school competitions in Connaught.  Mairead graduated from UCD with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, followed by a post-graduate in Computing in Athlone Institute of Technology.

Mairead has worked In Ireland and internationally with global Telecommunications company Ericsson, on short- and long-term assignments in multiple EU countries, Middle East (Gulf Countries) and Asia (Japan and Taiwan). While working in Austria, Mairead worked as a volunteer in the kitchen of Gruft, Vienna's best-known Caritas facility for homeless people. This served hot cooked meals for homeless people in the city and increased Mairead’s understanding of homelessness and socio-economic issues.

Mairead also worked on the ground for two years in the Middle East, delivering technology programs in Gulf Countries Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait. This greatly increased Mairead’s confidence, cultural dexterity and adaptability skills.

Mairead returned to Ireland in 2015 working as self-employed Project Management Consultant in Dublin. Mairead believes in continuous education and decided to take a Law degree (instead of doing an MBA), to gain the knowledge to help others and make a greater contribution to society, not only working for corporations that make profit.

Mairead chose to study at Technology University Dublin as it was a full-time evening degree for working professionals with all lectures held in evening time and tutorials at weekends. It was also cost competitive in terms of fees. 

Mairead’s Priorities if elected as a Senator include:

1. NUI graduates:
Mairead will advocate for all NUI graduates for issues and support needed, Digital Campaigns (no leaflets due to impact for energy, environment and cost) for future elections. 

2. Conscious Cost Management.
Elimination wasting of public money with personal fines for recklessness.
Mandate Digital Campaigns for Elections to reduce expenditure on printing of candidate flyers and registered letters to the electorate apart from the ballot paper.
Greater accountability and personal fines to ensure non-squandering of Apple Tax money.

2. Fairer Treatment of Tenants:
Amend legislation in relation to termination of Fixed Term Tenancies and deposits for catastrophic events such as loss of job, death of a family member, serious health issue having to leave Ireland etc,., without forfeiting the security deposit in addition to notice and rent paid in full.

3. Homelessness:
Advocate for inclusion in Government Manifestos and actions to reduce and progress emergency actions.

4. Housing for All:
Support and advocacy for affordable housing scheme for young professionals who exceed the current thresholds, single income households, mortgage prisoners of vulture funds and renters trying to save deposits with limited supply available and corporate out bidders.

5. Health for all:
Hospital beds priority for elderly patients, carers allowance - removal of means test barrier with GP approval and no issues for undue influence or coercion.

6. Commuting:
 Initiate Bill for Commuting rights and amendments for Health and Safety at Work which is currently not recognised.

Please see more details for my policies on my website MaireadKenny.ie



  1. Graduate of University College Dublin in Engineering, Electrical (UCD B.E. 1995 ordinary degree).
  2. Post Graduate Degree in Athlone Institute of Technology (now TUS Computing (GDC, 1996, 2.2 honours degree).
  3. Worked in Ireland and internationally in Europe, Middle East and Asia countries with global Telecommunications company Ericsson
  4. Graduate of Law in Technical University Dublin (former Dublin Institute of Technology) BA Law and LLB Honours, 2.1, May 2020.
  5. Worked as a self-employed contractor consultant in Dublin Ireland with multiple companies on-site in Hertz, Mastercard Ireland and others.

  6. Sat and passed Law Society Ireland entrance examinations in Criminal Law, Equity, EU Law, Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Property Law and Tort Law.

  7. Supported many people in Dublin providing pro bona legal support for tenant deposit retention issues during covid time and since then, having to frequently chase international funds outside Irish Jurisdiction for just resolutions and return of deposits which can’t be achieved by taking RTB cases.

  8. Supported others with pro bono legal and emotional support in relation to family law and other matters attending Irish courts.

  9. Supported many charities over the years including Irish Blood Transfusion Transfusion Service, Daffodil Day Irish Cancer Society, Irish Deaf Society, Irish Heart Foundation, Focus Ireland, Gruft , Ukranian preparations and support for ongoing activities with Divine Word Missionaries Donamon, Roscommon.

Candidate Final Words:

I would really appeal for people who receive a ballot to vote, so your voice will be heard in the Seanad. 
In the 2020 Seanad Election 38,209 voted with 91 spoiled votes.  The NUI electorate is currently 112,815.

Go raibh mile mile maith agaibh go leir.

Thank you.
Mairead Kenny


