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Wednesday 12 March 2025  

O'Shea Farren, Linda

O'Shea Farren, Linda

O'Shea Farren, Linda

O'Shea Farren, Linda
Solicitor and Arts Manager


For 22 years, I have represented you on the NUI Senate on a voluntary basis and from a graduate’s perspective. 

As a UCC law graduate and Solicitor, with a public policy Masters from UCD/Institute of Public Administration, I have worked in the public, private and voluntary sectors across a broad spectrum of Law, Corporate Governance, Human Rights, Government, Higher Education, Banking, Health and the Arts. 

I have taken on difficult challenges all my life.  When things have not gone my way, I have not given up … and I’m not finished yet! 


Professor John O’Halloran, President of UCC:
‘Linda is someone who manages to effect real change in her every endeavour.  I have served with her for many years on both UCC's Governing Body and the NUI Senate, and her capacity for work is boundless.  I have witnessed Linda persuading people of varied dispositions to arrive at workable solutions in situations that are both complex and sensitive, even when others considered progress extremely remote.  If elected to Seanad Éireann, I have absolutely no doubt that Linda will use her significant qualifications and extensive experience in Higher Education, Law and Public Policy to deliver meaningful change for the greater good.  That is why I was delighted to nominate Linda for Seanad Éireann.' 

Professor Bryan McMahon, retired High Court Judge, Solicitor and Professor of Law:
‘I have known Linda for more than four decades, first as a law student of mine and, more recently, when she was Chair of UCC’s Audit & Risk Committee.  Linda has immense initiative; strong analytical, troubleshooting and leadership skills; and unflinching perseverance.  I have personally observed her, through her innovation and tenacity, devise solutions to problems that had long bedevilled others, all achieved with minimum friction.  These talents have enabled her to have a distinguished and varied career in law and well beyond.  I am confident that, if elected to Seanad Éireann, she is fully equipped to effect reform for the benefit of all.  I also have no hesitation in vouching for Linda's integrity and her honesty.’ 


Reforming Employment Rights

  1. I know first-hand the colossal effort it takes to fight for your employment rights, and the toll it takes on your career, finances and wellbeing: ‘WRC found ‘absolutely no procedure’ followed by publicly-funded organisation in case of Linda O’Shea Farren’ (see Irish Times
  2. I will relentlessly pursue reform

  3. Resourcing Disability Services & Carers 

  4. I was instrumental in getting Ireland’s first disability law enacted in 2005  

  5. I will relentlessly pursue resourced disability services and support for carers 

  6. Tackling Housing & Cost of Living

  7. Ireland’s corporate tax boom needs to be spent wisely on:

  8.     State-led affordable and social housing

  9.     Incentivising private housing

  10.     Controlling spiralling cost of living

  11. Actively Facilitating Emigrants’ Return 

  12. I emigrated to the USA - no jobs in 1980s, not housing

  13. My three children have now emigrated   

  14. Climate Action  
  15. All public representatives urgently need to agree and resource innovative solutions to tackle climate change

  16. Please skip to the end of the Ballot Paper and Vote # 1 for O’SHEA FARREN, Linda

    For details, see:  www.lindaosheafarren.com 

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