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Wednesday 26 March 2025  

Seanad Election 2025 – checking and updating details

Important notice regarding postal address updates in time for 2025 Seanad Éireann election

Please note that the deadline for receipt of written requests from graduates to amend address details is Friday 29 November 2024.

After 2nd Janurary, NUI will process notified changes of address and ballot papers to these graduates will be re-issued, provided the original envelope is returned undelivered to NUI.

If you are an NUI graduate, are on the 2014 Seanad Éireann register and you wish to alert NUI of a change of postal address, please follow the process as outlined.

Checking and updating details

There is currently no provision in the Seanad Electoral (University Members) Acts, 1937-2015, for online registration or for checking the register online. If you wish to check that you are on the register you can contact NUI at records@nui.ie or (01) 439 24 24. To assist in identifying you on the register, please include the following information:

  • Full name at time of graduation/registration
  • Any other form of name used (e.g. Irish, single, married, etc.)
  • Date of birth
  • NUI degree(s) and other NUI qualification(s)
  • Year(s) of conferring(s) and NUI institution(s) where conferred
  • Previous address
  • Current address.

We will respond promptly to all enquiries.