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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Book Launch “A Century of Scholarship” – Royal Irish Academy

Dr Garret FitzGerals speaks at the book launch 12.11.2008

A Century of Scholarship: Travelling Students of the National University of Ireland

On Wednesday 12th November the NUI held a special celebration in the Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street Dublin, to honour all of its Travelling Students throughout ten decades - from 1910 when the first Travelling Studentship was awarded, up to and including the present year.

The NUI Chancellor, Dr Garret FitzGerald presided at the launch of a special centenary publication, A Century of Scholarship: Travelling Students of the National University of Ireland, and afterwards presented the 2008 Studentship winners with a specially designed medal to mark the centenary of NUI.  In his remarks, Dr FitzGerald spoke of the transition in 1908 from the Royal to the National University; he noted that the NUI Travelling Studentship Scheme was modelled on a similar scheme in the Royal University and spoke of the first recipient, Pádraig S. de Brún, a scholar of great note. The full text of the speech may be downloaded.


Copies may be purchased by contributors to the book at the discounted launch price of €30. Normal retail price is €50. Please contact the NUI office or email travellingstudent@nui.ie for further information.

NUI Travelling Student 2008 Medal