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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Awards 2009 Recipients


On Wednesday 25th November, at a ceremony in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, the Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning, presented awards to students/graduates of the Constituent Universities and Recognised Colleges of the National University of Ireland.

Irish Historical Research Prize

Maurice Bric, BA, MA, PhD (John Hopkins University) UCD

Travelling Studentships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Ciara Kennefick, BCL Hons, BCL (Oxon) Law UCC
Patrick Christopher McGauley, BA Hons, MA (Lond) Italian UCC
Ann-Marie Hanlon, BA, BMus Hons, MA (Newcastle) Music UCC
Renaud Rene Georges Contini, BA Hons History NUIM
John James Reynolds, BBLS Hons, LLM Law UCD & NUIG

Travelling Studentships in the Sciences

Oisin MacAodha, BE Hons, MSc (Lond) Engineering NUIG
Kimberly Geoghegan, BSc Hons Chemistry UCD
William McCarthy, BSc Hons Geology UCC
Maria Johanna Kirrane, BSc Hons Environmental Science UCC

The Dr Mary l Thornton Scholarship in Education

Jacinta Carmel McKeon, BA UCC

The NUI Denis Phelan Scholarship in Humanities and Social Sciences

Elaine Marie O’Sullivan, BA MA Performance Studies UCC

The Mansion House Fund Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus Duaiseanna Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara

Ronan Cathal Doherty, BA Hons Gaeilge, Scoláireacht NUIM
Katie Maragret Murray, BA Hons Gaeilge, Duais UCD
Claire Fitzgerald, BA Hons Irish History, Scholarship UCC
Mark Patrick Tynan, BA Hons Irish History, Prize NUIM

The NUI Art and Design Prizes

Natasha Michelle Conway, BA Hons Painting NCAD

The Pierce Malone Scholarships

Brian Doyle, BE BA Hons Philosophy NUIM
Aisling Máire Ní Annaidh, BE Hons Engineering UCD

French Government Medals and NUI Prizes for Proficiency in French

Charlotte Thérèse Berkery, BComm Hons UCD
Orla Marie Cotter, BComm Hons UCC
Adam James White, BA Hons NUIG
Elaine Amanda Mythen, BA Hons NUIM

The Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Literary Scholarships and Prizes

Bertrand Lucat English, Scholarship UCD
Shane M. Forde English, 2nd prize UCC
Erik Wilson English, 3rd prize NUIG
Philip Kelty French, Scholarship UCD
Isabelle Ruane French, 2nd prize UCC
Eloise McNeely French, 3rd prize NUIM
Caoimhín Pádraig Ó Fearghail Gaeilge, Scoláireacht UCC
Amy Mitchell Gaeilge, 2ú duais NUIM
Eugene M. Costello Eugene M. Costello UCC
Alison Weldon German, Scholarship UCD
 Eamonn Maguire German, 2nd prize NUIG
Julia Wintersohl German, 3rd prize UCC
Roslyn A. Steer Italian, Scholarship UCC
Aoife L. O’Mullane Italian, 2nd prize UCC
Louise Kennedy Italian, 3rd prize NUIG
Diana Popescu Latin, Scholarship NUIM
Timothy Moriarty Latin, 2nd prize NUIM
Chona Gillan Latin, 3rd prize NUIM
Shane M. Forde Latin, Commendation UCC
Aisling Crowe Spanish, Scholarship NUIM
Olivia Flynn Spanish, 2nd prize UCC
Neringa Kacinskaite Spanish, 3rd prize NUIG
Bertrand Lucat Spanish, Commendation UCD

The Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Medical Scholarships and Prizes

Larissa Higgins Anatomy, Scholarship NUIG
Alice C. Brennan Anatomy, 2nd prize UCD
Jennifer Scott Anatomy, 3rd prize NUIG
Anthony Cullen Biochemistry, Scholarship UCD
Benjamin Lai Biochemistry, 2nd prize UCC
Nita Chauhan Biochemistry, 3rd prize NUIG
Mahfaruddin Mohammed Dentistry, Scholarship UCC
Claire Noreen Foley Dentistry, 2nd prize UCC
Adrienne Schofield Diagnostic Imaging, Scholarship UCD
Michelle Healy Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd prize UCD
Nora Kavanagh General Practice, Scholarship NUIG
Hannah Fleming General Practice, 2nd prize UCC
Ronan P. O’Connell General Practice, 3rd prize UCD
Daniel Joyce Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Scholarship RCSI
Colin Stuart Black, MB BCh BAO Hons Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2nd prize UCD
Ciaran Ó Fearaigh Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 3rd prize NUIG
Kelly Mieske Medical Microbiology, Scholarship NUIG
Don B. Stott Medical Microbiology, 2nd prize UCC
Laura Connolly Medical Microbiology, 3rd prize NUIG
Limy Wong, MB BCh BAO Hons Medicine, Scholarship RCSI
Aoife Garrahy, MB BCh BAO Hons Medicine, 2nd prize NUIG
Adrian Michael Whelan, MB BCh BAO Hons Medicine, 3rd prize UCC
Shane William Mac an Tuile, MB BCh BAO Hons Medicine, Commendation UCD
Karina Forde Paediatrics, Scholarship NUIG
Shane William Mac An Tuile, MB BCh BAO Hons Paediatrics, 2nd prize UCD
Sinead Josephine Glackin, MB BCh BAO Hons Paediatrics, 3rd prize UCD
Catherine Rowan Pathology, Scholarship UCD
Miray Morcos Pathology, 2nd prize NUIG
Maeve Cahill Pathology, 3rd prize NUIG
Dearbhla Kelly Pharmacology, Scholarship UCC
Robert Ffrench O’Carroll Pharmacology, 2nd prize UCD
Tara McDonnell Pharmacology, 3rd prize NUIG
David M. Brennan Physiology, Scholarship UCD
Meabh O’Hare Physiology, 2nd prize UCD
Antoinette O’Connor Physiology, 3rd prize UCC
Caroline A, Daly Physiotherapy, Scholarship UCD
Kevin O’Connor Physiotherapy, 2nd prize RCSI
Daithi de Baroid Psychiatry, Scholarship UCC
David Lynch Psychiatry, 2nd prize RCSI
Joseph A. Jordan Psychiatry, 3rd prize UCC
Karina Forde Psychiatry, Commendation UCC
Grace Neville Public Health, Scholarship NUIG
Daniel Gilmartin Public Health, 2nd prize UCC
Sean Reynolds Public Health, 3rd prize UCC
Kelly Mieske Public Health, Commendation NUIG
Gerard Thomas Giblin, MB BCh BAO Hons Surgery, Scholarship UCD
Heather M. Leonard Surgery, 2nd prize UCC
Gillian Elizabeth Fitzgerald, MB BCh BAO Hons Surgery, 3rd prize UCC
Limy Wong, MB BCh BAO Hons Surgery, 2nd prize RCSI

The NUI Club London Scholarship

Sarah Eileen O’Regan, BA Hons Early Childhood Studies UCC