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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI History Event


The Chancellor of the University, Dr Maurice Manning will launch ‘The Irish State and the Diaspora’, by Professor Mary E. DalyO'Donnell Le of UCD on Wednesday 28 April at 12.30pm in NUI, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. The publication is based on the O’Donnell Lecture given by Professor Daly for the NUI centenary in 2008. Professor Daly is Principal of the UCD College of Arts and Celtic Studies.
At the event the Chancellor will give information on awards and other support given by NUI in the area of history. He will announce details of an NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in History to be awarded in 2010. The one-year Fellowship, worth €40,000 will be open to all NUI graduates in all areas of history.


Further information from Dr Attracta Halpin, Registrar, National University of Ireland