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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

UCC launches Strategic Plan 2009-2012


UCC President Dr Michael Murphy and Minister Batt O'Keeffe

Plans for the future of University College Cork were unveiled on October 28th 2009 with the launch of the University College Cork Strategic Plan 2009-2012. Dr Michael Murphy, President of UCC and Vice-Chancellor of NUI, launched the plan to a large audience in UCC. Later that day the plan was launched in the NUI offices in Merrion Square, Dublin with the support of the Minister for Education and Science Mr Batt O’Keeffe TD.

The Strategic Plan 2009-2012, which was developed following an extensive process of internal and external consultation, identifies the future direction of UCC over the next three years. Dr Murphy stated that his vision for the University was captured in the Vision Statement of the Plan “To be a world-class university linking our region to the Globe”. He highlighted many of the achievements of UCC during the last five years, citing that by 2008 the number of invention disclosures from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funding was 35, the highest of any university in the State; PhD students have increased 50%; International student numbers have grown by a third, peer reviewed research income, for which staff have competed at home and abroad has grown by 38%,and the number of patents filed annually by researchers at UCC has grown by 40%. In addition, the total amount spent on research, earned through external competition, in the last academic year, rose by a further €5 million to €78 million.

Dr Murphy identified the key steps to be taken to ensure that UCC meets its objectives up to 2012. “There are many changes to be made, adaptations to existing practices, new approaches to be adopted but we must prioritise certain actions and they are:

· Promote, across all colleges, high quality research-informed and research-led teaching, that meets regional society needs;
· Improve the holistic student experience (academic and extra-curricular);
· Grow lifelong learning programmes to serve regional economy and society;
· Increase flexibility in our courses;
· Grow fourth-level opportunities;
· Enhance research quality across all disciplines;
· Internationalise UCC energetically;
· Diversify our sources of income;
· Promote better leadership in UCC and in society.”

UCC students will live and work in a globalised society, undreamt of 30 years ago. International education is seen as a national strategic imperative by many countries. UCC today attracts over 2,300 international students from 98 countries. Dr Murphy stated that “UCC is committed to international students comprising over 20% of the student population during the next four years”.

More information can be found at