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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Awards 2010 Recipients


On Tuesday 23rd November, at a ceremony in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, the Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning, presented awards to students/graduates of the Constituent Universities and Recognised Colleges of the National University of Ireland.


Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Conor Patrick Lucey MA, PhD History UCD
Máirín Síle Áine Ní Cheallaigh BSc, BA, PhD History UCD
Nuala Teresa Kenny BA Hons, PhD Literature NUIM
Aintzane Legarreta BA, MA, PhD Literature UCD

E J Phelan Fellowship in International Law

Michelle Mary Farrell LLM NUIG

Travelling Studentships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Joseph Tobias Spooner BCL Hons Law UCD
Fionn Matthew Dempsey BA Hons, MA Philosophy UCD
Micheál Aonghus O’Keeffe BA Hons Political Science UCD
Peadar Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh BA Hons, MA Celtic Studies NUIG
Oisin Suttle BCL International Law UCD
Elaine Marie O’Sullivan BA, MA Theatre and Drama Studies UCC
Philip Robert Healy BA Hons, MA History UCC
Barry John O’Connell BA Hons, MA History UCD
Francis Patrick O’Connor BA Hons Political Science/Sociology NUIG

Travelling Studentships in the Sciences

Lisa Mullee BSc Hons Biochemistry NUIG
Cassandra Collins BSc Hons Molecular Microbiology NUIM
Shane Joseph Mansfield BSc Hons, MSc Physics/Computer Science UCC
Leon Karl Harding BSc Hons, MSc Physics NUIG
Grainne Christina McKenna BSc Hons Biology NUIM

The Dr Mary l Thornton Scholarship in Education

Regina Mary Murphy BEd UCC

The NUI Denis Phelan Scholarship in Humanities and Social Sciences

James Conran BA Hons Politics UCD

The Mansion House Fund Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus Duaiseanna Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara

Mary Ita Groarke MB BCh BAO, MA, BA Hons Gaeilge, Scoláireacht UCC
Seán Ó Ruairc BA Hons Gaeilge, Duais UCD
Donal Gerard Walsh BA Hons Irish History, Scholarship UCC
Siobhan Marie Murphy BA Hons Irish History, Prize NUIM

The NUI Art and Design Prizes

Annika Elisabeth Berglund BDes Hons Craft Design NCAD

The Pierce Malone Scholarships

Eve Petra Golden Woods BA Hons Philosophy UCD
David Loughrey BE Hons Engineering UCD

French Government Medals and NUI Prizes for Proficiency in French

Deirdre Ní Annracháin BA Hons UCD
Brighid Walsh BA Hons UCC
Anne Molloy DiopsaGh, BA Hons NUIG
Eoin Michael Bates BA Hons NUIM

The Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Literary Scholarships and Prizes

Nina L. Fitzpatrick English, Scholarship UCC
Ciaran Treacy English, 2nd prize UCD
Hollie Byrne English, 3rd prize UCD
Niall Colbert French, Scholarship UCC
Caoimhín A. Ó Muiréasa French, 2nd prize UCC
Maeve Condell French French, 3rd prize UCD
Aine Uí Fhoghlua Gaeilge, Scoláireacht NUIG
Brian Ingoldsby Gaeilge, 2ú duais NUIM
Gillian P. Ní Chionnaolaigh Gaeilge, 3ú duais UCC
Eoin C. McEvoy Gaeilge, Moladh UCD
Eoin C. McEvoy German, Scholarship UCD
Harry Cullen German, 2nd prize UCC
Jacinta Hennigan German, 3rd prize NUIG
Florry O’Driscoll Italian, Scholarship NUIG
Claudia H. Schwab Italian, 2nd prize UCC
Carla J. Fette Italian, 3rd prize UCD
Anne E. Ledwidge Latin, Scholarship UCC
Marie-Luise Theuerkauf Latin, 2nd prize UCC
Michael Kearney Latin, 3rd prize NUIM
Anna B Sikora-Carelse Spanish, Scholarship NUIG
Alan O’Brien Spanish, 2nd prize UCD
Sinead Cawley Spanish, 3rd prize NUIG

The Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Medical Scholarships and Prizes

Simon De Freitas Anatomy, Scholarship NUIG
Eoghan O’Keane Anatomy, 2nd prize UCD
Nicolas Clarridge Anatomy, 3rd prize UCC
Karen N. McCarthy Biochemistry, Scholarship UCC
Liam Martin Biochemistry, 2nd prize NUIG
Wint Aye Biochemistry, 3rd prize RCSI
Emily Higgins Dentistry, Scholarship UCC
Bonolo Letsebe Dentistry, 2nd prize UCC
Orlaith Fitzgerald Diagnostic Imaging, Scholarship UCD
Alison O'Sullivan Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd prize UCD
Kelly Mieske General Practice, Scholarship NUIG
Aine O’Connell General Practice, 2nd prize NUIG
Eilis Murphy MB BCh BAO Hons General Practice, 3rd prize UCC
Maeve Cahill Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Scholarship NUIG
Kim Caulfield Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2nd prize RCSI
Eoin Mulroy MB BCh BAO Hons Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 3rd prize UCD
Maria Costello Medical Microbiology, Scholarship NUIG
Cormac Kennedy Medical Microbiology, 2nd prize UCD
Jean Kerins Medical Microbiology Medical Microbiology, 3rd prize UCC
Conor Andrew Fearon BE, MB BCh BAO Hons Medicine, Scholarship UCD
Louise Ryan MB BCh BAO Hons Medicine, 2nd prize NUIG
Katie A. Walsh Medicine, 3rd prize UCC
Helen Martin Midwifery, Scholarship UCD
Frances Friedlander Midwifery, 2nd prize UCC
Margaret S. Fitzpatrick Midwifery, 3rd prize UCC
Krystle Emma Louise Ruddy BNSc Hons Nursing, Scholarship 2009 NUIG
Elizabeth Mitchell BSc Hons Nursing, 2nd prize 2009 UCC
Eithne Mary Hudson BSc Hons Nursing, 3rd prize 2009 UCD
Bridget Lyons Occupational Therapy, Scholarship NUIG
Sarah Barry-Reidy Occupational Therapy, 2nd prize UCC
Peter Michael Barrett MB BCh BAO Hons Paediatrics, Scholarship UCC
Gerard Healy Paediatrics, 2nd prize NUIG
Orlaith Reid BSc Hons Paediatrics, 3rd prize RCSI
Laura Browne Paediatrics, Commendation UCD
Noelle Breslin Pathology, Scholarship RCSI
Catherine Freeman Pathology, 2nd prize UCD
Deirdre Horan Pathology, 3rd prize RCSI
Michelle Casey Pharmacology, Scholarship NUIG
Miroslawa Gorecka Pharmacology, 2nd prize NUIG
Antoinette O’Connor Pharmacology, 3rd prize UCC
Kate Dinneen Physiology, Scholarship NUIG
Terence Ho Physiology, 2nd prize UCC
Christine McCarthy Physiology, 3rd prize UCD
Jennifer Monahan Physiotherapy, Scholarship UCD
Jean Maria Lewis BSc Hons Physiotherapy, 2nd prize RCSI
Dearbhla Kelly Psychiatry, Scholarship UCC
Una Clancy Psychiatry, 2nd prize UCC
Nuala Kane Psychiatry, 3rd prize NUIG
Roberta Margaret Rowntree MB BCh BAO Hons Public Health, Scholarship UCD
Benjamin Lai Public Health, 2nd prize UCC
Bríd Reale Public Health, 3rd prize NUIG
Una Mary Leonard BSc Hons Speech and Language Therapy, Scholarship UCC
Laura Marie McLean DiopsaGh, BSc Hons Speech and Language Therapy, 2nd Prize NUIG
Rachel Florence Anne Power MB BCh BAO Hons Surgery, Scholarship UCC
Laura Browne Surgery, 2nd prize UCD
Robert Pearse Piggott MB BCh BAO Hons Surgery, 3rd prize NUIG

The NUI Club London Scholarship

Maria Carty-Mole BA Hons Media Studies NUIM