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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Garret FitzGerald Memorial Lecture


As a memorial to its former Chancellor, NUI has established the Dr Garret FitzGerald Lectures which is planned as an annual series of lectures by distinguished speakers on topics of national or international importance.  The inaugural lecture was held in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St Stephens Green on Tuesday 25 October 2011 when Professor Ronan Fanning addressed the theme Garret FitzGerald and the Quest for a New Ireland.  A formal response was given by the Minister for Education and Skills Mr Ruairi Quinn, TD. The NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning was master of ceremonies for the evening.

Professor John FitzGerald, Dr Mary FitzGerald Mr Mark FitzGerald and their families were in attendance. Former NUI Chancellor Dr T K Whitaker was also present to hear Professor Fanning’s introductory comment ‘If it is remarkable that, between the advent of independence and the end of the twentieth century, the National University had only three Chancellors, it is truly extraordinary that in the pantheon of those who changed the course of Irish history in those years none rank higher than those three men: Eamon de Valera, Ken Whitaker and Garret FitzGerald.’ Many spheres of Irish public life were represented among the attendance in a packed College Hall which included Dr Hugh Brady, NUI Vice-Chancellor and President of UCD, Dr Michael Murphy President UCC and Professor Philip Nolan, President, NUI, Maynooth, members of the NUI Senate with other members of the constituent universities, RCSI, the diplomatic corps and the judiciary.

The event has been recorded and will be posted on this site shortly. The proceedings will also be published.



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