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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Chancellor pays tribute to Diarmaid Ó Muirithe


Diarmuid Ó MuiritheExpressing his sympathy to the family of the late Diarmaid Ó Muirithe, the NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning said ‘Diarmaid O'Muirithe was a fine scholar of extraordinary versatility who had a great ability to communicate his scholarship to a very wide audience. He was an internationally respected expert on dialect based on his knowledge of English dialect and what has now been recognised as a distinct field of study, Hiberno English. He was above all a man of great charm and generosity, a good friend who will be warmly remembered’.

A member of the NUI Senate from 1982 to 1987, Diarmaid O Muirithe was honoured by the University in 2011 with the award of Doctorate in Celtic Studies. The citation given on that occasion by Moore McDowell is available here


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