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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Launch of Education Matters


Launch of Education Matters 2015 by Minister for Education and Skills Jan O’Sullivan, TD

Education Matters LaunchMinister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD, launched the 9th edition of the Education Matters Yearbook on 9 December in the National University of Ireland. A copy of the Minister’s speech is available here

Speaking at the launch, the NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning expressed the view that
‘overall, whether at primary or secondary level, whether in our universities, IOTs or other colleges, our people are being well served by the system. While there are still social great inequities in the system that must be
addressed, by international standards, we have an enviably high rate of participation in higher education. This could not be achieved without the excellent educational foundations laid at primary and second levels. The strength of our education system is I believe, an Education Matters Launchimportant element in our economic recovery and our educated population is one of our great assets. This can be seen from the increasing investment by major transnational companies attracted by the high standard of our graduates and the availability of top-level scientists and researchers. It is also evident in the successes on the creative side, with filmmakers, musicians, architects and designers achieving considerable success. The influence of our education system and its importance not just to our economy, but also to our society and our identity as a people, will become even more apparent next year as the ambitious 2016 Centenary Programme unfolds’.

As a valuable record of the significant developments in education in Ireland and a reference work for all educators, the Education Matters LaunchYearbook provides a review of 2015 and a guide for 2016. It delivers information, analysis, and a thought provoking overview of the whole Irish education system.

Guidance Counsellor, columnist and broadcaster Brian Mooney, editor of the 9th edition, stated that the Yearbook will “drive and frame Irish education”.
Speaking at the launch, President of Dublin City University Professor Brian MacCraith emphasised the importance of mathematics education for preparing students for the many opportunities available in Ireland in STEM-related employment.

The Yearbook is available to purchase from www.educationmatters.ie/


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