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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

2017 NUI Awards Competitions Now Open



NUI has opened competitions for Travelling Studentships, Post-Doctoral Fellowships, Publication Prizes and more.

Each year the National University of Ireland offers a range of awards, scholarships and prizes for competition to students, staff and graduates in the NUI constituent universities and other member institutions. Last year, NUI granted more than €1.2 million worth of awards and competitions have now opened for applications for 2017 NUI Awards.

Among the awards on offer in 2017 the Irish Historical Research Prize and the NUI Publication Prize in Irish History, which have not been offered since 2015.

One Post-Doctoral Fellowship will be offered this year in all branches of the Sciences, including Engineering and Architecture. The competition for this fellowship is open to NUI graduates of doctoral status based at NUI institutions.

Five NUI Travelling Studentships will also be offered for NUI graduates to travel as part of their doctoral studies. This year will see the first NUI Travelling Studentship in Economics, Politics and Social Policy, to be offered in honour of former NUI Chancellor, Dr T K Whitaker, to mark the centenary of his birth on 8 December 2016 and his death earlier this year. The masters level Duaiseanna an Dr T K Whitaker sa Ghaeilge will also be offered in honour of the former Chancellor, who took a keen interest in the Irish language.

NUI will also offer scholarships and prizes for current undergraduate students in NUI institutions, the Dr Mary L Thornton Scholarship in Education and supports for academic publishing.

Details of the full range of NUI Awards to be offered in 2017 can be found on the NUI website and social media channels, or in NUI Awards promotional material which can be obtained on request.

For further information contact: or click here

Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2
01 439 24 24

Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq #NUIAwards17
Facebook: NationalUniversityofIreland



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