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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Chancellor expresses sympathy on the death of Dr Caroline Hussey


NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Dr Maurice Manning Dr Caroline Hussey Ruairí Quinn, Dr Attracta HalpinManning expresses sadness on the death of Dr Caroline Hussey, former Vice-President
and Registrar of UCD

Dr Maurice Manning, Chancellor of the National University of Ireland, has expressed his profound sadness on the death of Dr Caroline Hussey, former Vice-President and Registrar of UCD and a member of the NUI Senate from 1982 until her retirement in 2004.

‘Over her career, Caroline made a distinguished contribution to academic life in Ireland and a lasting imprint on the life of UCD which played such a large part in her own life. She promoted the highest academic standards but was always caring and compassionate towards students in difficulty. She lived life to the full, combining serious academic pursuits with deep and active interests in politics and sport. An independent thinker, she had strong views equality and social justice, a lively, engaging and warm personality and a keen sense of fun. She will be greatly missed.

I extend my deepest sympathy to her family.’

Download Citation Presented by Dr Caroline Hussey

pdf Citation: Ruairi Quinn Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws  

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