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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Honorary Conferring Ceremony 2017



Wednesday 11th October 2017 – Royal College of Physicians in Ireland

The annual Honorary Conferring Ceremony of the National University of Ireland will take place in Corrigan Hall, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland on Wednesday 11th October 2017.
At the Ceremony, the Chancellor of the University, Dr Maurice Manning will confer honorary degrees on the following individuals who have made exceptional contributions in their respective fields:   


Clare Langan, Artist
For her contribution to fine art.  
Tom Boland, Education Consultant  
For his contribution higher education in Ireland.
Sinead Kane, Solicitor and Athlete
For her contribution to law.
Finghin Collins and Dearbhla Collins, Musicians
For their contribution to music.
Martin Mansergh, Former Politician and Historian
For his contribution to Irish public life and public service.



Anngret Simms, Geographer
For her contribution to geography.   

Further information from:

Dr Attracta Halpin
Registrar, National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2.