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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

The Significance of International Student Mobility in Students’ Strategies at Third Level in Ireland and NUI Awards 2018 Launch


NUI Seminar

“The Significance of International Student Mobility in Students’ Strategies at Third Level in Ireland” and NUI Awards 2018 Launch

Change of Venue: College of Anaesthetists, 22 Merrion Sq, Dublin 2


NUI Awards Seminar 2017
NUI will hold a seminar in the College of Anaesthetists on 5 December 2017 to showcase the research of 2014 NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellow Dr Aline Courtois and to launch the 2018 NUI Awards Scheme.
Dr Courtois will present her post-doctoral research on the topic of "The Significance of International Student Mobility in Students' Strategies at Third Level in Ireland" to which Professor Patrick Clancy, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at UCD will give a response. The main aim of Dr Courtois’ study is to address the lack of research on the experiences of Irish students engaging in short-term mobility for study. The paper examines the benefits of student mobility at individual, institutional, national and regional levels within the context of HEI’s strategies on internationalisation.

Dr Courtois's research paper can be found here.

This Seminar will be of particular interest to those working in the area of international education, representatives from Schools of Languages and researchers in these areas.

NUI Awards to be offered in 2018 will also be launched as part of this event and will be of particular interest to both recent NUI graduates and university staff responsible for promoting such awards and potential funding opportunities available to students and graduates within their institutions. A small number of former and current NUI Award recipients will be making short presentations on their experiences and will be on hand with NUI staff to answer any queries.

The event will commence at 2pm on Tuesday 5 December 2017 at the College of Anaesthetists, 22 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Both staff and students within and outside of the NUI federal system are welcome to attend. If you require further details or would like to attend, please contact awards@nui.ie

Beidh Seimineár OÉ ar siúl ar an 5 Nollaig 2017 ina mbeidh cur i láthair taighde ón Dr Aline Courtois, Comhalta Iardhochtúireachta OÉ an Dr Garret FitzGerald agus seoladh Scéim Duaiseanna OÉ 2018. Tá fáilte roimh chách ag an Seimineár a gcuirfear tús leis ar a 2i.n. Dé Máirt an 5 Nollaig 2017 ag Coláiste na n-Ainéistéisithe ag 22 Cearnóg Mhuirfean i mBaile Átha Cliath. Más spéis leat freastal air, nó chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil déan teagmháil linn ag awards@nui.ie


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