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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

List of Persons Nominated To Contest the Convocation Election 2017


By Tuesday 25th July, 2017, the closing date for nominations, Mr John Hanley, Clerk of Convocation, had received papers nominating five women and six men.

After the close of nominations, one Women and one Man decided to withdraw their nominations and to step down from the election.

The election of the eight members of Convocation [‘four of whom shall be women and four men’] to the Senate of the National University of Ireland, will take place at a Meeting of Convocation to be held in the NUI, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 at 10 o'clock a.m. The poll will remain open for one hour.

In accordance with Statute 102, Chapter II (5), ‘If, at the expiration of the period for nomination, the number of persons duly nominated for election as Members of the Senate shall not exceed the number of persons which Convocation is entitled to elect, then all the persons so nominated shall be deemed to have been duly elected, and at the Election Meeting the Chairman shall declare these persons to have been elected accordingly’.

Accordingly, arangements have been made for the election of four men candidates as members of Senate. At the election meeting, the Chairman will declare the four women candidates who have been nominated to be duly elected.


Members of Convocation who wish to vote in the Convocation Election must apply to the Clerk of Convocation in writing for voting papers no later than Monday 25th September 2017.

Applications for voting papers must be in writing. An application form is available and may be downloaded from the link below. Applications may also be made by post to the address below, by fax to 01 439 24 66, or by email to elections@nui.ie.
To receive your voting papers, the following information must be provided:

• Full name (forename[s] and surname) at registration
• Any other form of name used (e.g. Irish, single, married etc)
• Date of birth
• NUI degree(s) and other NUI qualification(s)
• Year(s) of conferring(s) and NUI institution(s) where conferred
• Previous address (for identification purposes)
• Current address

Download Application For Voting Paper Form

Convocation Election 2017 Candidates (Men)

Doorley, James, BA, MA, LL.B (DIT) LL.M (TCD)

From Tipperary, lives in Meath. Deputy Director, National Youth Council of Ireland. Member of the National Economic and Social Council 2011-Present. Member of the Dental Council 2015-2020. Chairperson of the Consumers’ Association of Ireland 2007-2010. Trustee of the Andrew Carnegie UK Trust 2004-2015. Vice-President of the European Youth Forum 2005-2006. Will if elected, bring a fresh perspective to the work of the Senate of NUI.

Francis, Tommy
, BA, HDip in Ed, MA (Lanc)

Serving member of the Senate of the NUI, former member of the Council of Convocation and currently on the Senate Education Committee. D'oibrigh sé i bPobalscoil Chloich Cheann Fhaola i nGaeltacht Thír Chonaill.
Elected ASTI President in 1995/96.
“The NUI Senate assists collaboration and cohesiveness between the Universities and Colleges. With my broad educational experience, commitment and your support I can continue to make a significant contribution.”

McGrath, Noel
, BCL, PhD

Dr Noel McGrath is a Lecturer in Law at the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin where he teaches property and commercial law. His research interests lie in corporate borrowing, banking law and the emerging law of cryptocurrencies. A graduate of UCD (BCL; PhD) and the Honorable Society of King's Inns (Barrister-at-Law), Dr McGrath has previously held academic posts at the University of Ulster, Jordanstown and at Dublin City University. He is a former President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers.

O'Donovan, John Paul
, BSc, MBA(Wales)

Paul O’Donovan is a native of Co. Cork who returned five years ago to the city after several decades spent abroad. He has worked and consulted for a variety of private- and public-sector organisations including the European Commission, UN, Welsh Development Agency, UK Government and the Welsh Government. He currently holds the position of Academic Secretary in UCC. He strongly believes in higher education as a public good and in its role in the social, economic and cultural development of the country.


Tighe, Paul
, BA (Hons), MA, MA, PGD(KCL), LLM(LOND)

After UCD, I worked in a number of jobs before joining the Civil Service and the European Commission. Currently I am a farmer and distance student living in the West. Graduate in economics, history, politics and law (so far). I enjoy reading and the great outdoors. Ireland has transformed itself by supporting education for school-leavers. I believe similar gains can yet be made if we support lifelong-learning, distance-learning and/or part-time-learning.


Convocation Election 2017 Candidates (Women)

At the election meeting, the Chairman will declare the four women candidates who have been nominated to be duly elected

  • De Bhaldraithe Marsh, Clíona Éilis, BA, MA
  • Gallagher, Helen, BSc, MPharm, PhD
  • Harney, Catherine, BComm, HDip in Ed
  • O'Shea Farren, Linda, BCL


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