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Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award Open for Applications


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Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award Open for Applications until 6 November

NUI is delighted to announce that the Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award is being offered for competition for the second time in 2018. The award will be offered to early career researchers to enable them to complete post-doctoral or professional research or lecturing in the United States for a period ranging from 3 months to a maximum of 12 months.

Application process

Dr Cian O’Leary, RCSI (L) receiving his award from Fulbright Commission Board Chairperson, Dr Sarah Ingle at the 2018 Fulbright Awards Ceremony in the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, Deerpark, Dublin.

Dr Cian O’Leary, RCSI (L) receiving his award from Fulbright Commission Board Chairperson, Dr Sarah Ingle at the 2018 Fulbright Awards Ceremony in the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, Deerpark, Dublin.
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All applications for the Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award must be made directly to the Fulbright Commission.  The competition is open for applications from 31 August 2018 until 6 November 2018. Further information can be found here

Fulbright – NUI Partnership: a fruitful collaboration

The National University of Ireland has been collaborating with the Fulbright Commission since 2014 to offer a range of awards to NUI graduates. To date, this collaboration has supported 13 NUI graduates to undertake research in the USA across a range of disciplines as part of their doctoral and post-doctoral studies.

In 2018, NUI in collaboration with the Fulbright Commission, awarded grants to two post-doctoral candidates. Dr Laura Lovejoy,a graduate of UCC and UCD, will commence her NUI-Fulbright award research at New York University in September 2018.

Dr Laura Lovejoy, UCC (L) receiving her award from Fulbright Commission Board Chairperson, Dr Sarah Ingle at the 2018 Fulbright Awards Ceremony in the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, Deerpark, Dublin.

Dr Laura Lovejoy, UCC (L) receiving her award from Fulbright Commission Board Chairperson, Dr Sarah Ingle at the 2018 Fulbright Awards Ceremony in the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, Deerpark, Dublin.
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Dr Lovejoy is currently an IRC postdoctoral fellow in the School of English at UCC. As part of her award she will research early twentieth-century literary representations of commercial sex, investigating how novelistic depictions of commercial sex intersect and diverge across geographical and cultural borders. Dr Cian O'Leary, a graduate of RCSI and UCC, is currently undertaking his Fulbright-NUI research at the University of California, San Diego. Dr O’Leary is a Pharmaceutics Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and a Principal Investigator in the Tissue Engineering Research Group at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. His research seeks to develop tissue-engineered in vitro models of breast cancer metastasis with the objective to address critical bottlenecks in the discovery of novel anticancer therapeutics.