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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party:
a Centenary Symposium


John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party:
a Centenary Symposium

John Redmond Group

Courtesy of the National Library of Ireland

Tuesday 6 March 2018
Venue: The National Gallery of Ireland
Merrion Square West, Dublin 2

John Redmond Oval

John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party: a Centenary Symposium is a central event of the John Redmond State commemorative programme planned for March 2018. The symposium is co-organised by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, the National University of Ireland, the Royal Irish Academy and the School of History, University College Dublin.

One hundred years after his death, this symposium will reassess John Redmond and the achievements of the Irish Parliamentary Party under his leadership. Professor Paul Bew, Dr Margaret O’Callaghan and Dr Margaret Ward will deliver keynote papers, and the day will close with a Royal Irish Academy Discourse by Professor Alvin Jackson at 6pm.

Full programme details are available here.

Booking is essential, please click here

Please note that symposium will be filmed and photographed. The recording and photographs may be used for outreach and promotional purposes on the NUI website and social media channels; by our event partners* and by mainstream media. If you do not wish to have your photograph used for such purposes, please speak to a member of NUI staff at the event, or email publications@nui.ie in advance of the symposium.
*Royal Irish Academy; Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and UCD School of History

Further information contact:
National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
E-mail publications@nui.ie          
T:    353 (0)1 4392424  

Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq    #Redmond2018
Facebook: National University of Ireland

John Redmond Group


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