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Conferring of NUI Degrees on Perdana University - RCSI graduates in Malaysia


Perdana University graduates at Conferring Ceremony, 7 Oct 2018

Perdana University graduates at Conferring Ceremony, 7 Oct 2018
Click image to enlarge

On 7 October 2018, 109 Perdana University students, the largest cohort of graduates of the University to date, were conferred with medical degrees in Serdang, Malaysia. Of these 63 were conferred with NUI degrees.

Speaking at the conferring ceremony, NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning said that he was very pleased to attend the third graduation of students of Perdana University at its "wonderfully impressive new campus". He spoke of how, in the Malaysian language the word ‘Perdana’ means ‘prime’ or ‘foremost’, signalling, he said, "the worthy ambition of this new university to develop over time and become a leading institution in higher education, for Malaysia, for this region of South-East Asia and internationally." He said that NUI shares this aspiration for Perdana university. NUI has been involved in medical education in Malaysia for over twenty years.

L-R: Dr Attracta Halpin, NUI Registrar; Prof Cathal Kelly, RCSI Registrar and Dr Maurice Manning NUI Chancellor at Perdana University Conferrings, Oct 2018.

L-R: Dr Attracta Halpin, NUI Registrar; Prof Cathal Kelly, RCSI Registrar and Dr Maurice Manning NUI Chancellor at Perdana University Conferrings, Oct 2018. Click image to enlarge

He went on to speak about the graduating doctors, welcoming them "as graduates of the National University of Ireland". He said that the unversity is "confident that our graduates have been making a very valuable contribution to the nation’s health service...I am sure that the health service in Malaysia or wherever you should decide to make your career will benefit greatly from your expertise. I wish each of you a very successful and rewarding career."

Dr Manning concluded by warmly congratulating all of the university's graduates including those being conferred with honorary doctorates of Perdana University, namely Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali and Dr Mahathir Mohamad.  

Further information can be found on Perdana University's website