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Wednesday 26 March 2025  

The Kantian University: Worldwide triumph and growing insecurity


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The Kantian University:
Worldwide triumph and growing insecurity

7th November 2018,
College of Anaesthetists Lecture Theatre,
22 Merrion Square, Dublin 2


NUI is delighted to announce a lecture by Prof Simon Marginson, University of Oxford with a response from Prof Aidan Mulkeen, Maynooth University this Wednesday, 7 Nov 2018 in College of Anaesthetists of Ireland.

Please note that lecture will be filmed and photographed. The recording and photographs may be used for outreach and promotional purposes on the NUI website and social media channels; by our event partners and by mainstream media. If you do not wish to have your photograph used for such purposes, please speak to a member of NUI staff at the event, or email registrar@nui.ie in advance of the lecture.

The Registrar
National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
E-mail registrar@nui.ie
T:    353 (0)1 4392424  
Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq
Facebook: National University of Ireland


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