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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Launch of Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies Volume XL


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Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies
Volume XL

Eagarthóir: Liam Mac Mathúna
Ollscoil na hÉireann

ÉIGSE: A Journal of Irish Studies, Volume XL, edited by Professor Liam Mac Mathúna, was officially launched in NUI, 49 Merrion Square, on Thursday 5 December 2019 by the Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning.

Launching the latest volume, the Chancellor expressed his sincere thanks, on behalf of NUI,  to Professor Liam MacMathúna for his work as editor of Éigse and commended the latest volume for the excellence of its scholarship and the range of its content. The Chancellor emphasised that since its foundation in 1908, the National University of Ireland has always had a particular commitment to the Irish language and to Celtic Studies. Scholars such as Douglas Hyde and Eoin MacNéill were early advocates and a tradition of scholarship in these disciplines rapidly developed and became embedded in each of the NUI colleges, now constituent universities. That tradition is also continued through the publication of Éigse.

The Chancellor remarked that NUI were particularly pleased when, in 2011, Liam Mac Mathúna agreed to take on the task of editing Éigse. He said that Professor Mac Mathúna, now Emeritus Professor of Irish, UCD,  is a worthy successor in the line of highly distinguished scholars who have edited Éigse since 1939: Gerard Murphy (1939-59); Brian Ó Cuív (1959-74); Tomás Ó Concheanainn (1975-86) and Pádraig A. Breatnach (1987-2010). Liam’s expertise and scholarship, as well as his life-long research and work on Douglas Hyde made him the ideal editor for the journal. Éigse in many ways can be seen to be the descendent of Lia Fáil edited by Hyde when he was Professor of Irish in UCD in 1926 and 1932.

Professor Mac Mathúna thanked all those who contributed articles and reviews for publication in Volume XL. He commented on the wonderful range and diversity of papers, which included discussions of language and literature, as well as, papers on medical manuscripts and fishery names along the River Shannon. He noted that the volume also includes obituaries for two eminent Celtic scholars: Dr Diarmaid Ó Doibhlin, Ulster University and Professor Próinséas Ní Chatháin, formerly Professor of Early and Medieval Irish, University College Dublin.

Éigse has been published by the University since 1939 with the aid of the Adam Boyd Simpson Bequest and is now funded by the NUI Publications Fund.

Éigse is devoted to the cultivation of a wide range of research in the field of Irish language and literature. Many hitherto unpublished texts in prose and verse ranging from Old Irish down to the modern language and including items from oral narration have appeared in its pages. Éigse also regularly includes important contributions on grammar, lexicography, palaeography, metrics, and the history of the Irish language, as well as on a wide variety of Irish literary topics. There is special emphasis on all aspects of the study of the language and literature of Modern Irish. Textual studies are complemented by broader, contextual studies. Contributions, which may be in Irish or English, are particularly welcome from younger scholars and those working in newer and emerging research areas such as the interaction of manuscript and print, the revival period, and sociolinguistics.

Price €25 (including postage and packing)


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Photos from the book launch

(click image to enlarge)

Dr Attracta Halpin, Registrar NUI
Dr Maurice Manning, Chancellor of NUI
Professor Liam Mac Mathúna
[L-R] Dr Deirdre Nic Mhathúna; Máire Nic Mhaoláin; Dr Aoibheann Nic Dhonnchadha; Dr Conchúr Mag Eacháin; Professor Liam Mac Mathúna; Dr Attracta Halpin; Dr Aengus Ó Fionnagáin; Dr Pádraig Ó Cearbhaill and Professor Máirín Nic Eoin.
Éigse Volume XL
Dr Maurice Manning, Chancellor of NUI; Dr Emer Purcell, Publications Office, NUI; Professor Liam Mac Mathúna, Editor; Dr Attracta Halpin, Registrar, and Professor Pádraig Breatnach, editor of Éigse 1986-2010
Diarmuid Mac Mathúna, Professor Liam Mac Mathúna and Dr Deirdre Nic Mhathúna.







Further information from:

National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square
Dublin 2, D02 V583
Ph: 01 4392424
Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq











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