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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Tender: Review of Collaborative Diploma and BSc (Hons) Rural Development


NUI launches a tender for a Review and Evaluation of Collaborative Diploma and BSc (Hons) Rural Development

NUI has launched a tender for Services for a Review and Evaluation of a major academic collaboration that involved all four Constituent Universities of the federation – UCC, UCD, NUI Galway and Maynooth University – and focussed on Rural Development studies.

From 1996 to 2015, all four universities collaborated to conceptualise and deliver innovative undergraduate learning and teaching to students working in or interested in the field of Rural Development policy and practice. Diploma and/or BSc (Hons) Rural Development qualifications were awarded to over 300 students during the period.

Supported by the Irish Department of Agriculture and the EU’s LEADER programme for many years, these programmes were innovative in many ways, not least the blended learning approach adopted and the strong ties and student involvement with local rural development companies and organisations across the country.

“NUI is delighted to support its member universities by facilitating the launch of a tender for a
Review and Evaluation of this ground-breaking collaborative academic initiative in rural development.
This work will not be an academic review of the programmes but rather an independent assessment of the
key features of this collaboration and whether and how it impacted on graduates and on the progress of rural development in Ireland.

While external funding for the programmes ceased some five years ago, strong academic and policy contacts continue between participating academics and local and national rural development organisations. We are keen to have a set of independent findings that can input into future discussions about potential collaboration between universities and regional and national organisations, for the benefit of students and the agriculture and rural development sectors as a whole”.

Dr Attracta Halpin
Registrar of NUI

Organisations interested in receiving a copy of the tender document are invited to contact:

Patricia Maguire
National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
E-mail pmaguire@nui.ie
T:    353 (0)1 4392424  
Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq
Facebook: National University of Ireland

The deadline for submissions is
Monday 16th September 2019










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