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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Dublin Festival of History 2020


© The Museum of Southwest Jutland and the Northern Emporium project
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The beginning of Viking Age towns.
New Excavations in Ribe, Denmark
Søren M. Sindbæk

Sunday 20th September at 8pm

For the third year, the National University of Ireland and Dublin City Council are pleased to collaborate and contribute to the Dublin of Festival of History Programme. This year, we are delighted to present an online lecture by Professor Søren M. Sindbæk.

Ribe in Denmark was the first town to emerge in Scandinavia at the dawn of the Viking Age. Like Dublin, it opened up a new world of sea-lanes, markets, maritime adventures and conflicts. New excavations 2017-18 have unraveled the early history of the Vikings through Ribe’s finely-meshed stratigraphy from the eighth to the tenth century. We can follow events from the workshop floors of the amber cutter, the bead monger or the jeweller, and witness how widening networks began to connect the world of Danes and Northmen with that of Franks and Frisians, the Rus’ and the East, and people in islands west over Sea. Hear more about the results of the Northern Emporium project, conducted in collaboration between the Museum of South West Jutland and the UrbNet Centre of Aarhus University, and sponsored by the Carlsberg Foundation.

Søren M. Sindbæk is professor of archaeology at Aarhus University, Denmark. His many books include The World in the Viking Age (2014, with Athena Trakadas), Aggersborg in the Viking Age (2014, with Else Roesdahl, Anne Pedersen and David M. Wilson), and Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns (2020, with Steve Ashby).

The lecture will be hosted by Ruth Johnson (City Archaeologist, DCC) and Emer Purcell (Publications Office, NUI).

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