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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Supports for existing NUI Award holders impacted
by the Covid-19 public health crisis


NUI Supports for existing NUI Award holders impacted
by the Covid-19 public health crisis

NUI is fully aware of the impact that the Covid-19 emergency is having on academic life both in Ireland and internationally. Specifically, we are conscious that this is an anxious time for many of our award holders with so many universities, research centres, archives and libraries closed, with academics working from home and with the life of society considerably restricted by government policy and health guidelines.

We wish to provide as much reassurance as we can to our award holders in relation to NUI’s commitment to ongoing funding and support during this health emergency. We have been able to earmark limited additional funding to provide support to award holders where this can be seen as essential.

The infomation below clarifies NUI’s approach to providing such additional support. We will continue to provide updated information on our website as the situation develops.


  1. NUI recognises that continuity of research and study during the current crisis is vital if scholars are to be enabled to complete their programmes within the agreed timeframes and where studies are disrupted as a result of the pandemic then timelines for completion may need to be revised.
  2. NUI accepts that while some award holders may experience minimal disruption to their research, others will be more severely affected. We are aware of the difficulties travel restrictions and institutional closures nationally and internationally are causing for scholars, in terms of fieldwork, access to expert personnel, laboratories, libraries, archives and other resources essential to the research. Other difficulties may also be emerging of which we are not yet aware.
  3. In these circumstances, NUI will endeavour to provide additional support for existing award-holders where this is shown to be necessary to mitigate the disruption caused by restrictions arising from the Covid-19 crisis. Additional supports will be limited by the funds available.
  4. NUI will prioritise award holders who are due to complete their research / studies in 2020 . However, holders that are not due to complete until 2021 or beyond may seek advice / assistance if current restrictions are likely to have a significant impact on the research and / or the expected final date for completion of studies / research.
  5. Applications for support by award holders directly impacted by the Covid-19 public health crisis will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  6. Holders of NUI doctoral or post-doctoral funding who have been impacted by the Covid-19 crisis and require advice or additional supports should contact the NUI Awards team at awards@nui.ie in the first instance to discuss their options. The Awards Team will provide further information on the procedures to be followed when making an application for support.


For further information please see our NUI Awards main page.


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