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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Vacancy: Registrar



The National University of Ireland is a federal university with four constituent universities and a number of other associated higher education institutions. At the centre of the federal university, NUI acts as a forum for the member institutions, provides services to them and their graduates and manages the central registers and archives of the university. NUI’s mission is to support the Irish higher education sector at home and abroad by serving the interests of its member institutions and their students and graduates and advocating for the sector as a whole.

NUI seeks to make a distinct contribution to higher education that is valued by our member institutions and recognised by the sector. We undertake a wide range of activities in the interests of promoting scholarship and research and contributing to educational, cultural, social and economic advancement.

NUI now invites applications for the senior role of Registrar.
Recruitment to the post is being managed by NUI Galway on behalf of NUI.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 17:00 (Irish Time) on 22nd June 2021.

Application Procedure:

A detailed job description and application form are available at this link: http://www.nuigalway.ie/about-us/jobs/#

Applications should be submitted online.

The National University of Ireland is an equal opportunities employer.


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