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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

International Women’s Day 2022


NUI marks International Women’s Day 2022 on the 8th March and in many of our institutions we have events through that week.

Given how our working lives have changed over the last couple of years we at NUI thought it may be of benefit to staff in NUI constituent universities and recognised colleges to gather together a list of events happening across the sector this week.
Many are available online or in hybrid form. It maybe that you would like to attend or it may stimulate the planning for an event next year. It is unlikely we have gathered all events but here are a selection.

International Women's Day 2022


NUI exceptional female scientific graduates

In celebration of International Women’s Day NUI highlights the contributions of some of their exceptional female scientific graduates

Click links in list below for more information


NUI elected Female TD’s and Seanad Éireann members

In this centenary year of the founding of Seanad Éireann we at NUI celebrate the women who have been elected by NUI over the last 100 years.

Click links in list below for more information


Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan, Céimithe OÉ

Click links in list below for more information


UCC - International Women's Day 2022 - Climate x Gender Equality Panel

To mark International Women's Day 2022, University College Cork (Mná Women's Network, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit & Green Campus) invites you to attend a panel discussion on Climate x Gender Equality.

Climate change and its consequences are a daily reality for millions of people around the world. Women and girls already face inequality and discrimination due to the gender. It is recognised that change-related crises compound this inequality, with some of the poorest and most marginalised women and girls in the world facing adverse effects. This IWD 2022, we want to address this issue and #BreaktheBias around this important topic. Our experienced panel of practitioners, thought leaders and researchers will discuss practical ways to better the lives of women and girls both here in Ireland and in the wider world.

Time, Date & Format: 12:00-13:00, Friday 4 March 2022 (Microsoft Teams)

Registration details


Discipline of Gender and Women’s Studies
International Women's Day Webinar

‘Gender based violence and migration: Centring hidden intersections’

Tuesday 8th March 1pm - 2pm

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Speakers include:

Dr Nata Duvvury, Director, Centre for Global Women’s Studies, NUI Galway,

Professor Jane Freedman, Université of Paris 8, Dr Nina Sahraoui, Paris Centre for Sociological and Political Research

Dr Nasrin Khandoker, NUI Galway.

Moderated by:

Dr Stacey Scriver, Centre for Global Women’s Studies, NUI Galway.

Join via Zoom


International Women’s Day
Keynote Speaker

Dr Maire Geoghegan Quinn

‘Embedding Gender Equality at NUI Galway:
challenges and opportunities’

Tuesday 8th March 2pm - 4pm
Lower Aula, Quadrangle

The University Women’s Network present Dr Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Chairperson of NUI Galway’s Údarás na hOllscoile and former EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science.

This event will also be livestreamed



International Staff Network (ISN)
Town Hall

‘Progressing the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda
in Irish Higher Education Institutions’

Friday 11th March 12pm - 1pm
Online via Zoom

DFH Logos


Dr Marta Kempny & Dr Lucy Michael, authors of the Race Equality in the Higher Education Sector in Ireland

Ms. Helen Maher, Vice-President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, NUI Galway.


UCD have a suite of events upcoming to mark International Women’s day which are gathered together on the following page

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion | International Women's Day 2022

A selection of events are also below.

Menopause Webinar

College of Science

Tuesday 8th March

The College of Science will be running a Menopause Webinar with Loretta Dignam from The Menopause Hub.

The webinar will consist of a 45-minute presentation, followed by a Q&A. 

"The only definites in life are death, taxes ... and menopause! This educational webinar breaks down the taboo surrounding menopause and demonstrates how menopause is a societal, healthcare, workplace and economic issue. Join us for a presentation and Q&A with Loretta Dignam, Founder of The Menopause Hub."

Join via Zoom


Virtual Event
College of Health & Agricultural Science

School of Medicine

Tuesday 8th March 1pm

The UCD School of Medicine will host a virtual event on Tuesday 8th March at 1pm. The School of Medicine EDI Committee is delighted to announce that the two speakers at this years virtual event will be:

Prof Karina Butler, Specialist Consultant in Paediatrics and Infectious Disease, CHI, Chair, NIAC (National Immunisation Advisory Committee) & NPHET Member

Dr Trish Scanlan, Paediatric Oncologist, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Prof Butler and Dr Scanlan will join us to reflect on

Their decision to focus their careers in paediatrics
Their path to the key appointments in their careers
Their views on gender bias in the workplace (in healthcare settings) in Ireland and Tanzania respectively
The challenges they (as women) have encountered in their career especially during the pandemic.

How they overcame those challenges and ‘called out’ any inequality that they experienced
How they coach and advise their female co-workers when they encounter bias in the workplace

Invitation and link to join the virtual event


Podcast: At the Margins - #41: Women in Economics
The Irish Society for Women in Economics

UCD School of Economics launched The Irish Society for Women in Economics (ISWE) in collaboration with higher education institutions and public bodies including the central bank in 2021.

An outcome of engagement with Athena SWAN, ISWE is a platform seeking to inspire, empower and increase women's visibility in #Economics in Ireland to ensure that the role of economists in public debates, policy, decisions, and education is more representative of Irish society. 

Tune in



Engaging men and women equally
a masterclass

School of Business and EDI Office

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 - 13:00 to 14:00

Online via Microsoft Teams

The Maynooth University School of Business and Maynooth University EDI Office are hosting "Engaging Men and Women Equally - A Masterclass" on Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 1pm.

This event will be of particular value to male leaders given their strong representation at the most senior levels of organisations and their role in advocating for real change, but this masterclass is open to all men and women, at all grades, who have an interest in creating greater diversity and inclusion of talent in their organisation.

Our speaker for this one-hour online event is Peter Cosgrove, Managing Director, Futurewise, a future of work insights company. Peter is on the steering committee of the 30% Club and is Chair of the mental health charity Aware and Chair of Brain Tumour Ireland. He has written two books 'Fun Unplugged' and 'Family Fun Unplugged', books designed to take families off their digital devices.

All are welcome to join this online public lecture.

Registration is required 


Break the Bias

EDI Unit togher with a number of colleagues

March 8, 2022 - 1pm

This event is available to staff and students of RCSI only

Click to enlarge image



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