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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Vacancy: Head of Finance and Administration


Head of Finance and Administration
(3yr fixed term)

The National University of Ireland "NUI", is a federal university based in Dublin with four constituent universities and a number of other associated higher education institutions. At the centre of the federal university, NUI acts as a forum for the member institutions, provides services to them and their graduates and manages the central registers and archives of the University. NUI seeks to make a distinct contribution to higher education that is valued by our member institutions and recognised by the sector as a whole. We undertake a wide range of activities in the interests of promoting scholarship and research and contributing to educational, cultural, social and economic advancement.

NUI is seeking to appoint a Head of Finance and Administration on a fixed purpose contract for 3 years.

Equality and Diversity

NUI is fully committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in all University activities, including recruitment. The University welcomes applications from individuals regardless of gender, age, disability, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or belief, civil status, family status, or membership of the Traveller community.

The Role

The Head of Finance and Administration offers a unique opportunity to develop and build experience in a senior management setting, supporting the Registrar and Senior Management Team "SMT" colleagues across the range of academic and related operational activities undertaken by the University.

In the context of the University's Strategic Plan 2023-2027, the person appointed will have the opportunity to contribute to ongoing policy implementation and the strategic development of NUI. They will play a leadership role in enhancing and expanding the range of services provided by NUI and in increasing the effectiveness of the organisation.

The role is diverse and the person appointed will have responsibilities in the following areas, in conjunction with their small team:

  1. supporting the University's governance, financial and investment management committees, to include the preparation of reports and other briefing papers as required;

  2. management of staffing and related HR issues in accordance with government guidelines and sectoral best practice;

  3. management of the University's pension schemes, to include the provision of information and related services to members;

  4. management of and performance reporting on the University portfolio of assets and investments;

  5. liaising with University stakeholders at all levels, including but not limited to Government Departments, Statutory, External and Internal Auditors;

  6. supporting colleagues in the administration of NUI’s programme of awards;

  7. drafting of budgets and rolling projections to assist SMT colleagues in the administration of the University's affairs;

  8. management and maintenance of the University’s financial reporting, payroll and accounting systems;

  9. management of University cash flow, to include receivables from member institutions, government departments, members of the public and other stakeholders;

  10. management of University expenditures in accordance with best practice Procurement and Value for Money guidelines;

  11. drafting of Statutory and Trust Fund accounts and related declarations in accordance with sectoral codes of practice and relevant government circulars;

  12. discharge of the University's tax obligations under all headings, to include the assessment of ongoing taxation developments insofar as they may affect the University;

  13. formal reporting to Government Departments and Agencies as required;

  14. update and renewal of internal financial procedures in accordance with best practice;

  15. management of University facilities and the supervision of work colleagues and external contractors in this regard ;

  16. assisting in the administration of elections run periodically by NUI;

  17. Other relevant matters arising.


    The remit of the post is broad and varied. There are established committees in place that assist, guide and support some of these work areas.

    Additionally, NUI has externally contracted expertise available to support some work areas. Training and development opportunities will be made available for an appropriate candidate.


    Informal queries can be made to the Registrar’s Office, by email: personnel@nui.ie or telephone: 01 439 24 24.

    Full details and job specification can be found in the link below.

Application Instructions:

Completed applications should be submitted by email to: personnel@nui.ie. or a hard copy can be sent to:

Registrar’s Office,
National University of Ireland,
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2 D02 V583.

Your application must include:

  1. Completed NUI Application form

  2. Cover Letter
    (for the attention of the Registrar, addressing how you meet the qualifications/skills required)

  3. Curriculum Vitae
    (please include in this document the names and contact details of two referees from previous employments)

The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 19th May 2023 at 5pm



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