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Sunday 23 March 2025  

Request For Tenders For NUI Website Redesign Services


NUI seeks to partner with an experienced website development company to lead the redesign and redevelopment of the current www.nui.ie website. The current NUI website, whilst functional and operational, would benefit from a redesign that showcases NUI in a positive light and demonstrates best practice in terms of user experience and accessibility.

The scope of the contract extends to website design and development services and NUI would expect the project to be delivered over the timeline outlined in Section 3. Once completed, NUI would have an accessible website which is contemporary and comparable to those of other higher education bodies, with the ability to manage its own content.

Completed tenders should be sent (by email) to:

Cora Lenihan
Manager, Registrar’s Office

to be received not later than 12 noon on 9 April 2025.

Late applications cannot be considered.


Download Request for Tender Document
RFT for Website Redesign Services (164kb)

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