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Tuesday 25 March 2025  


Admissions/Specific Information on Third-Level Courses

Please note that all enquiries relating to specific courses of study, degree/diploma programmes, as well as general admission enquiries, should be addressed to the relevant Admissions Office of the institutions listed below

NUI Constituent Universities - Na Comh-Ollscoileanna

University College Dublin
An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath
Tel: (353 1) 716 7777
Website: www.ucd.ie

University College Cork
Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh
Tel: (353 21) 490 3000
Website: www.ucc.ie
University of Galway
Ollscoil na Gaillimhe
Tel: (353 91) 524411
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie
Maynooth University
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Ollscoil Mhá Nuad
Tel: (353 1) 628 5222
Website: www.maynoothuniversity.ie

Other NUI Member Institutions - Baill Eile d’Ollscoil na hÉireann

Recognised Colleges - Na Coláistí Aitheanta

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
RCSI Ollscoil an Leighis agus na nEolaíochta Sláinte
Tel: (353 1) 01 402 2100
Website: www.rcsi.ie

Institute of Public Administration
An Foras Riaracháin
Tel: (+353 1) 240 3600
Website: www.ipa.ie

Colleges Linked With Constituent Universities
Coláistí Ceangailte Leis na Comh-Ollscoileanna

Shannon College of Hotel Management - Coláiste Ósta na Sionnainne
now a School in the College of Business, Public Policy and Law at University of Galway
Tel: (+353 61) 712 210
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/shannoncollege/

National College of Art and Design, Dublin - Coláiste Náisiúnta Ealaíne is Deartha
Tel: (+353 1) 636 4200
Website: www.ncad.ie

St. Angela’s College, Sligo - Coláiste San Aingeal, Sligeach
(re-constituted as a College of University of Galway 1 January 2006).
Tel: Tel: (+353 71) 914 3580
Website: www.stangelas.nuigalway.ie

Burren College of Art - Coláiste Ealáine na Bóine
Tel: (+353 65) 707 7200
Website www.burrencollege.ie

Institute of Banking
Tel: (+353 1) 611 6500
Website www.iob.ie

Other Universities in Ireland

The University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin)
Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath
Tel: (353 1) 608 1000
Website: www.tcd.ie

University of Limerick
Ollscoil Luimnigh
Tel: (353 61) 202700
Website: www.ul.ie

Dublin City University
Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath
Tel: (353 1) 700556
Website: www.dcu.ie

Queen’s University Belfast
Coláiste na Banríona, Béal Feirste
Tel: +44 (0) 28 902 45133
Website: www.qub.ac.uk
The University of Ulster
Ollscoil Uladh
Tel: (44) 08 700 400 700
Website: www.ulster.ac.uk
Technological University Dublin
Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta Bhaile Átha Cliath
Tel: Blanchardstown:(353 1) 885 1000
Tel: City Centre:(353 1) 402 3000
Tel: Tallaght:(353 1) 404 2000
Website: www.tudublin.ie/

For full information on all third-level institutions in Ireland, see www.hea.ie