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Wednesday 26 March 2025

NUI Seanad Éireann Election 2020 Information for Voters


The legislation governing the NUI Seanad Éireann elections stems from Bunreacht na hÉireann, Art. 18.4(i).
The relevant acts may be referred to as the Seanad Electoral (University Members) Acts, 1937 – 2001.

For the convenience of voters an information pack for graduates of relevant documents is available for download which includes the following:

  1. Frequently asked questions as listed below

  2. List of NUI member institutions

  3. Registration/Update Form (Irish and English versions)

Download Seanad Éireann Election Pack for Graduates


NUI Seanad Éireann Eelction Voters FAQ's


arrow When will the election be held?


For the Seanad Éireann Election 2020 (NUI Constituency) the relevant dates are as follows:

  1. the date of close of nominations, Friday, 14 February 2020 at 12 midday
  2. the date of issue (ie posting) of ballot papers, Friday 28 February 2020
  3. the date of the election (close of poll), Tuesday 31 March 2020 at 11am

The day and hour at which the poll in the university constituencies will close shall be Tuesday 31 March 2020 at 11am.

Votes must be returned by post.

arrow How will I know who is going forward for election?

The names of the candidates will be posted on this website immediately after the close of nominations.
Candidates’ names and details will also, of course, be listed on the ballot paper.

arrow Who can vote in the NUI constituency?

For the Seanad Éireann Election in 2020 only those graduates whose names are listed in the current NUI Seanad Éireann Register of Electors, as published on the 1st June 2019, are eligible to vote in the NUI constituency.



arrow How and when will the ballot papers be sent to the electorate?

Ballot Papers are issued by registered post on the date set out in the Minister’s Order.

Because of the size of the two university electorates - currently 112,216 for NUI, and approximately 65,000 for University of Dublin (Trinity College) - delivery of the registered post may take a number of days from the date of issue.

Delivery of ballot papers sent to addresses overseas may be slower, depending on local postal services.

arrow What happens if the elector is not at the address to sign for the registered post?

The postperson will leave a docket informing the addressee that the post can be collected from the Post Office; if uncollected after three days, the envelope will be returned to NUI.

On request, the ballot paper will be re-sent, again by registered post, provided the original envelope has been returned undelivered to NUI.

The ballot paper will be re-sent to the same address unless the elector requests in writing/email (records@nui.ie, fax or ordinary post) that the returned ballot paper be re-sent to a different address.

Preferably changes of address should be notified to NUI well in advance of the issue of ballot papers.

arrow What will I receive?

Each graduate listed in the current register will receive an envelope by registered post containing:

  1. Ballot paper;
  2. Declaration of identify form/Instructions to voter;
  3. Small brown ballot paper envelope;
  4. Large white self-addressed return envelope;

The identify form must be signed by the voter and by a witness and returned with the ballot paper.
Failure to return both documents will deem the vote to be invalid.
The ballot paper should be placed separately in the small brown ballot paper envelope.
The small brown ballot paper envelope (containing the ballot paper) and the signed declaration of identify form should then be placed in the large white self-addressed return envelope addressed to the Returning Officer and returned by post.
No stamp is required if posted within the Republic of Ireland.

The close of poll date will appear on the registered envelope and on top of the Ballot Paper.

arrow What is the last day for acceptance of completed ballot papers?

The day and hour at which the poll in university constituencies shall be closed shall be the **

Votes must be returned by post.

The NUI constituency Seanad Éireann Register

arrow What is the Seanad Register?

Seanad Éireann Information Leaflet

Click for larger PDF file

The Seanad Éireann Register contains a list of the names, addresses and qualifications of NUI graduates who registered to be included on the Register before 26 February 2018. These graduates may now vote in a Seanad Éireann election during the period 1 June 2018 – 30 May 2019. The Seanad Register may be used only for electoral purposes. An edited Seanad Éireann Register is also available. Both registers are available for purchase in hard or electronic copy from NUI.

The current Register, operative from 1st June 2018, contains the names of 108,251 electors. The cost of the 2018 Register is €163, either in hard or electronic copy.

NUI administers the Seanad Éireann Register and elections for the NUI constituency, in line with the requirements set down by the Seanad Electoral (University Members) Acts, 1937-2015.

Registration on the register is not automatic; graduates must claim to be registered. Claims/Registration forms must be received at the NUI Office by 26th February in any given year.

A handy leaflet explaining the registration process is available to download by clicking here.

If you have any other queries about the NUI Seanad Éireann Register of Electors, please do not hesitate to contact us at records@nui.ie or by phone at 01 439 2424

arrow How can I register on the NUI Seanad Éireann Electoral Register?

Graduates of the National University of Ireland who have received a degree (other than an honorary degree) and who are Irish citizens are eligible to vote in Seanad Éireann elections, once they are included in the University electoral register.


The Seanad Éireann University Members Acts (1937-2015) stipulates the 26th February each year as the deadline for registration, for the Register that will be effective from 1st June of that year. Therefore registrations submitted after 26th February 2018 will added to the Register on 1st June 2019.

The form below may be used to register and should be completed in full and hand signed.

The form can then be scanned and attached to an email and sent to records@nui.ie or posted to
Records Office,
National University of Ireland,
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2, D02 V583,

Download Registration Claim / Graduate Update Form

pdf Irish Version: English Version:

Please download the pdf to your computer (right click and save) and complete the form using Adobe Reader as not all internet browsers support on screen completion of pdf documents

arrow How do I check if i am listed on the NUI Seanad Éireann register?

There is currently no provision in the Seanad Electoral (University Members) Acts, 1937-2015, for online registration or for checking the register online.

You can check if you are registered in a number of ways:

  1. Copies of the Seanad Éireann Electoral Register are available for review in the libraries of the NUI constituent institutions, the National Library of Ireland and in the reception of NUI offices, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2;
  2. Check with NUI via email records@nui.ie;
  3. Call NUI on (00353)(01) 439 2424.

To assist in identifying you on the register, please include the following information:

  1. Full name at time of graduation/registration;
  2. Any other form of name used (e.g. Irish, single, married, etc.);
  3. Any other name used during completion of degree;
  4. Date of Birth;
  5. NUI degree(s) and other NUI qualification(s);
  6. Year(s) of conferring(s) and NUI institution(s) where conferred;
  7. Previous address;
  8. Current address;

We will respond promptly to all enquiries.

arrow I am on the Register but I didn’t get a ballot paper in the last election.

Have you changed your address since you registered to be included on the Register?

If so please contact NUI to update your details.
If you are on the Register and didn't get your voting papers, the most likely reason is that we have an incorrect address on record for you.

Unless NUI, Merrion Square is informed of a change of address, voting papers are issued to the address on record.

arrow Once the Register has been published, is it possible to amend an address?

Yes, a graduate who is already registered may, at any time, ensure that his/her details are up-to-date.

The form below may be used and should be completed in full and hand signed.

The form can then be scanned and attached to an email and sent to records@nui.ie or posted to
Records Office,
National University of Ireland,
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2, D02 V583,

Download Registration Claim / Graduate Update Form

pdf Irish Version: English Version:

Please download the pdf to your computer (right click and save) and complete the form using Adobe Reader as not all internet browsers support on screen completion of pdf documents

arrow Are names ever removed from the Register?


  1. on receipt of written request by a graduate to have his/her name removed;
  2. on receipt of notification of the death of a graduate;
  3. as provided by the Electoral (Amendment) Act 2001: "after reasonable enquiry by the registration officer, whose address or the address to which the ballot paper is to be sent is unknown". (S. 56).

arrow If my name has been removed from the Register, can I still vote?

Only if you have re-registered in time to be included on the Register in use for the relevant Seanad election.