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Tuesday 25 March 2025  




The National University of Ireland will hold its annual awards ceremony on Tuesday 12 November to celebrate academic excellence among students and graduates of NUI institutions. At the ceremony, the Chancellor of the University, Dr Maurice Manning, will present NUI Scholarships and Awards valued in the region of €800,000.

Some of the highest achieving students from across the NUI’s constituent universities and recognised colleges have competed for awards in a wide range of disciplines. The award winners include representatives from UCD, UCC, NUI Maynooth, NUI Galway, RCSI, St. Angela’s College and NCAD.

The awards will also include the prestigious NUI Irish Historical Research Prize and funding for eleven major PhD studies through the NUI Travelling Studentships. These PhD studies will undertake research in areas such as Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering, Music and History.

Other awards include the Mansion House Fund Scholarships in Irish and Irish History Dr H.H. Stewart Literary and Medical Scholarships, the Dr Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education, the Denis Phelan Scholarship for doctoral study, and the NUI Art and Design Award.


Irish Historial Research Prize

Colmán Ó Clabaigh, BA, PhD
for The Friars in Ireland, 1224-1540 published by Four Courts Press in 2012.

Dr Colmán Ó Clabaigh was awarded the NUI Irish Historical Research Prize for The Friars in Ireland, 1224-1540, published in 2012 by Four Courts Press. This prestigious prize of €5,000 is offered in alternate years for the best work of original Irish historical research by a graduate of the National University of Ireland. The Selection Panel for the prize was drawn from the community of historians in the NUI universities.
Commenting on Dr Ó Clabaigh’s book, the Selection Panel noted that ‘this book reflects impressive research covering a time span of over three hundred years. Given the fragmentary nature of the source material, Colmán Ó Clabaigh provides a wonderfully evocative and intimate vision of the lives of the communities of friars in Ireland.  It blends the evidence he himself draws from literary sources with what has been gleaned by archeological, architectural, environmental and folkloric scholars. The linguistic capabilities shine through’.

Dr Ó Clabaidh wrote the book while he was a research fellow of the Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Institute, UCD.


NUI Publications Prize in Irish History

John Cunningham, BA, PhD   NUIG
for Conquest and Land in Ireland:  The Transplantation to Connacht, 1649-1680
published in 2011 by Royal Historical Society, Boydell Press.

The NUI Publication Prize in Irish History was awarded to Dr John Cunningham for The Transplantation to Connacht, 1649-1680, published in 2011 by the Royal Historical Society, Boydell Press. This prize of €3,000 was awarded for a first sole author book by an NUI scholar whose doctoral degree was awarded no earlier than 1 January 2005.
Commenting on Dr Cunningham’s book, the Selection Panel noted that ‘in a work of fine scholarship, John Cunningham brings new insight to the period of the transplantation to Connacht 1649-1680. Engaging with existing historiography, he handles complex materials well and with admirable compassion. His interpretation is meticulous, solidly grounded and calibrated’.



Travelling Studentships awarded in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2013

Steven Balbirnie, MA   History UCD
Kevin Hargaden, BSc, MA Theology and Religious Studies NUIM
Jesse Harrington, BA Medieval History UCC
Ivan Kenny, MA Latin America Literature and Film NUIG
Áine Rickard, MA  Geography and Development Studies NUIM
Conal Ryan, BArch, MA  Music Composition UCC and UCD



Travelling Studentships awarded in the Sciences 2013

Eamonn Fahy, MB, BCh. BAO  Ophthalmology  NUIG
Fiona Freeman, BE  Biomedical Engineering NUIG
Mary Gallagher, BSc Marine Biology  UCC
Fiona Griffin, BE Biomedical Engineering NUIG
Anita Wester, BSc Chemical Biology  UCD



Dr Mary Thornton NUI Scholarship in Education

Sarah Hillas, MA, HDipinEd 


NUI Denis Phelan Scholarship

Alan Smyth, MA NUIM


Mansion House Fund Scholarship

Scoláireacht Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara sa Ghaeilge

Eoin C. McEvoy UCD

Duais Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara sa Ghaeilge 

Clíona Ní Chatháin NUIG

Mansion House Fund Scholarship in Irish History 

Stephen Purcell UCC

Mansion House Fund Prize in Irish History

Linnea Petterson NUIG

NUI Art and Design Prize

Nigel Holohan NCAD

Pierce Malone Scholarships

Pierce Malone Scholarship in Philosophy

Gary O’Brien UCD

Pierce Malone Scholarship in Engineering

Fiona Griffin, BBiolEng    NUIG


The French Government Medals and NUI Prizes for Proficiency in French

Muireann Ní Cheannabhain  
Niall Colbert 
Cliona Ní Chathain
John Killeen


NUI Scholarship and Prize in Education

NUI Scholarship in Education

Aileen Bradley

NUI Prize in Education

Marguerita O’Neill


The NUI Club London Scholarship


Ruth Endicott

2nd Prize

Ken Patterson

3rd Prize

Jonathan Doyle  



Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarships and Prizes in 2013

The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in English

Dean J. Browne   UCC

2nd Prize

Molly L. Forsythe UCC

3rd Prize

Anne Mahon NUIM

The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in French

Ingrid Godkin  UCD

2nd Prize

Carla H. Eckhorst  NUIM

3rd Prize

Amy Dominguez Reyes UCD


Tracy Burke Bukulin   UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Gaeilge

Lucy Costello   NUIG

2nd Prize

Caitríona Nic Bhloscaidh  UCC

3rd Prize

Aoife Butler  NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in German

Stephen Heffernan      UCD

2nd Prize

Mairead Jones UCC

3rd Prize

Stefania Sapio UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Italian

Mike Norris      UCD

2nd Prize

Tracy Burke Bukulin UCC

3rd Prize

Emilia Lahti UCD


The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Latin

Andrea C.M.  Lane  UCC

2nd Prize

Ann M.  Ryan NUIM

3rd Prize

Brid C. Furlong   UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Spanish

Nicole Clinton    UCC

2nd Prize

Holly Douglas UCD

3rd Prize

Maria Manning  UCC


Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Medical Scholarships and Prizes

The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Anaesthesia

Maeve McAllister       NUIG

2nd Prize

John Treacy  UCD

3rd Prize

Aoiffe Lemasney  NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Anatomy

Matthew Ho Zhi Guang       UCD

2nd Prize

Orla Hennessy  NUIG

3rd Prize

Roisin Gardiner NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Biochemistry

Dennis Hopkinson      UCC

2nd Prize

Alison Leong NUIG

3rd Prize

David P. Vaughan UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Clinical Radiology

Brian Gibney    UCD

2nd Prize

Anne Mary O’Mahony   UCC

3rd Prize

Jennifer Scott NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in General Practice

Patrick Mitchell      UCC

2nd Prize

Siobhan Ryan  NUIG

3rd Prize

Eoin Fitzgerald  UCD


Sarah Cormican    NUIG


Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Sarah Cormican  NUIG

2nd Prize

Aoife Hurley  UCC

3rd Prize

William Martin NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Medical Microbiology

Louisa Shackleton  UCD

2nd Prize

Kiran Reddy UCC

3rd Prize

Shane Toolan   UCD


Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Medicine

Sheila McSweeney  UCD

2nd Prize

Orla Anne Houlihan  UCC

3rd Prize

Cliona Small  NUIG


Karen N. McCarthy    UCC


The Dr H.H. Stewart Medical Scholarship in Midwifery

Joyce O’Shaughnessy   NUIG

2nd Prize

Aimee Tebay   UCC

3rd Prize

Justine Cooke  UCD


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Nursing

Anne-Marie Gallagher St Angela’s College, Sligo

2nd Prize

June Considine  UCC

3rd Prize

Teresa McDaid   NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Ophthalmology

Ming-Yong Lee  UCC

2nd Prize

Conor Moran  NUIG

3rd Prize

Michelle Casey NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Paediatrics

Karen N. McCarthy UCC

2nd Prize

Daniel M. Crowley   UCC

3rd Prize

Oliver McElveney UCD


Anne Mary O’Mahony  UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Pathology

Joshua Belle UCD

2nd Prize

Sarah Khan NUIG

3rd Prize

Laura Corkery  UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Pharmacology

Francis Delaney UCC

2nd Prize

Clodagh McDermott  NUIG

3rd Prize

Kieran V. Mullins UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Physiology

Siobhan Rafferty  UCC

2nd Prize

Alexandra Brito   UCC

3rd Prize

Ming-Ying Yeoh    RCSI


Matthew Ho Zhi Guang  UCD


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Psychiatry

Jennifer Kielty  NUIG

2nd Prize

Sean Fitzgerald  RCSI

3rd Prize

Caoilfhoinn Connolly  NUIG


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Public Health

Christopher Cronin NUIG

2nd Prize

Cliona O’Donnell UCD

3rd Prize

Rory Mannion NUIG

The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Surgery

Helen M. O’Brien  UCC

2nd Prize

Thomas Cotter  NUIG

3rd Prize

Stephanie Rutledge  UCD 

Dr H.H. Stewart Scholarship in Dentistry

Natalie Phoon Mei Yen UCC

2nd Prize

Patrick J. O’Connor UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Diagnostic Imaging

Mary Jean Dore UCD

Joint 2nd Prize

David L. Levins  UCD
Sarah Madden   UCD


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Occupational Therapy

Niamh Crowley UCC

2nd Prize

Sharon Leahy  NUIG


Dr Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Pharmacy

Joanne O’Dwyer RCSI

2nd Prize

Marie O’Halloran  UCC


The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship in Physiotherapy

Fionn Cleirigh Buttner UCD

2nd Prize

Gordan Treacy  RCSI


The Dr H.H. Stewart Medical Scholarship in Podiatry

Christopher W Joyce NUIG

2nd Prize

Danielle O’Haire   NUIG

Dr H H Stewart Scholarship in Speech and Language Therapy

Zoe C. Rooke UCC

2nd Prize

Stephanie Cassol NUIG




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