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Thursday 13 March 2025  

Éigse Volume 38 Launch





Éigse Editor Professor Liam MacMathuan and NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice ManningSpeaking at the launch of Éigse a Journal of Irish Studies Volume 38, the NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning commented that the international impact of Irish Studies is considerably underestimated in this country. He said ‘I know for example that it would come as a surprise to many to know that Harvard has a Faculty of Celtic Languages and Literature, that Notre Dame has a Department of Irish Language and Literature and that Irish and Celtic Studies are also pursued at the Universities of Toronto, Innsbruck, Freiburg and Oslo to name but a few.

Éigse a Journal of Irish Studies has been published by NUI since 1939. Volume 38 is the first volume edited by Professor Liam Mac Mathúna. Congratulating Professor Mac Mathúna, he noted that the new editor ‘ has put his own editorial stamp on the journal. While its appearance is unchanged, the scope of the journal has been expanded to include contextual studies as well as purely textual studies. We hope that this will broaden the appeal of the journal and expand the range of potential contributors without in any way diluting its scholarly qualities’. Highlighting the international ambitions for Éigse, Dr Manning said ‘While its focus is firmly on Irish Eigse Volume 38 Launch Padraig Breathnach, Liam MacMathuna, Dr Attracta Halpin, Registrar NUI, NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice ManningStudies, the outlook of Éigse is international. An International Advisory Board has been appointed and volume 38 has attracted contributions from a number of authors from outside Ireland. Given the number of universities where the Irish language and Irish Studies are available we hope that the international dimension of the journal will become even more apparent in future volumes.










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