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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

30 Candidates Nominated To Contest Seanad Éireann Election in the National University of Ireland (NUI) Constituency


At the close of nominations today, the Returning Officer, Dr Maurice Manning, Chancellor of NUI declared the following candidates to be properly nominated to contest the Seanad Éireann Election in the NUI constituency:

The election will be held by postal ballot. Ballot papers will be posted to over 100,000 electors on the NUI Register from 21 March 2016. The Poll will close  on 26 April 2016 at 11.00am. The election count will take place in the Serpentine Room, RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Seanad Éireann Election 2016 Constituency of The National University of Ireland Candidates


Jerry BeadesBeades, Jerry, Director
Hi, my name is Jerry Beades, I am one of your candidates on the NUI Panel for the Seanad Éireann elections. I am a family man, I have worked in the construction industry for many years. I am also a long time advocate for Banking reform and have been a vocal activist in supporting Irish families, farmers and small businesses experiencing financial difficulties emanating from the 2008 Financial Crisis.

As a co-founder of 'Friends of Banking Ireland' I have campaigned against unfair practices in the Banking sector and for reform of the legal system since 2006 when I first realised the Irish economy was heading for difficulties given it's over reliance on the Property market. I have given evidence in 2008 & 2009 to Oireachtas Committees in this respect and I've drafted Legislation related to the Construction Industry to help protect SMEs.
I am running for the Seanad because strong voices are required now more than ever. I will be an outspoken advocate for the rights of all people in the areas of Housing, Healthcare and Education, in particular.

Your choice in the 2016 Seanad Election is simple, you have an opportunity now to vote for strong, advocate-based change. I can be that voice. advocating for fairness and equality for all.
NUI Graduates, both past and present, need such a voice in Seanad Éireann, to ensure the Seanad operates as intended as the Second House of the Oireachtas with an emphasis on Fairness & Equality for all.

Please | Vote No.1 | Jerry Beades

David BeggBegg, David
, Former CEO of Concern and ICTU General Secretary
The 2008 financial crisis was the fourth occasion since independence that the viability of Ireland’s future came into question. Our susceptibility to boom and bust cycles suggests that there are deep structural flaws in our development model. I believe that we need to become more like some of the small open economies of Northern Europe. Not only are they sustainable but they are consistently amongst the most economically efficient and socially cohesive in the world. They have proven that high quality public services and low levels of inequality in society complement rather than detract from competitiveness. This proposition is evidence-based and the outcome of many years of research conducted in Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands. I have set out my findings in a book recently published internationally by Palgrave Macmillan. If elected, I will use the Seanad to advocate for a new development model that will secure a better, fairer and more sustainable future for our people. These strategic issues were largely ignored during the General Election Campaign.
Over a long working life I have gained extensive experience of the public, private and voluntary sectors which will help to ensure that I will contribute effectively to the Seanad. This includes:

  • Chief Executive of Concern Worldwide
  • General Secretary of ICTU
  • Director of TASC (Research Institute)
  • Governor of the Irish Times Trust
  • Chairman of Barnardos
  • Director of Aer Lingus
  • Member of the National Economic and Social Council

Deirdre BurkeBurke, Deirdre
, Solicitor

I’ve spent my life working to support and empower Children, Families and Communities, and promoting Social Justice. If elected to the Seanad, I will use my voice to advocate for Children’s Rights and ensure the Seanad acts as a positive platform for assessing how Government policy impacts on children, families and communities. My priorities for the Seanad include:

  • Reform Child Protection: more social workers on the ground; greater investment in the Child and Family Agency, out-of-hours services and placement centres.
  • Further reform of Family & Child Law system: cut court waiting times, train more family judges and ensure children’s voices are heard in court.
  • Invest in Child/ Youth Mental Health Services: including suicide prevention, age-appropriate in-patient facilities and accessible out-of-hours services.
  • Equality for Children with Disabilities: better access to education; more resources for home care; accessible play/leisure facilities

Other priorities include tackling Child Poverty and Homelessness; Countrywide refuge accommodation & counselling for those affected by domestic violence, and a referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment.

My track record:

Vast experience as a family law solicitor, including a ground-breaking case which created new civil law in long-term abuse cases.

Professional & personal experience in Childhood Disability & Youth Mental Health.

Founder/director of the Guardian Children’s Project, for children affected by bereavement & parental separation.

Involvement in The Campaign for Children 2012, the Child Law Audit, and the UN review by the Committee on the Rights of The Child.

Contributor to national & media commentary and debates on Family & Child Law.

Padraig Ó CeidighCéidigh, Pádraig Ó
, Entrepreneur

A chara,

I would be privledged to secure your vote for the NUI seat on the seanad election. If elected, I will focus primarily on the following areas:

• Seanad reform
             o It is one of the most undemocratic public institutions in the world.
                Only a fraction of 1% of people have a vote, while at the same time
                many politicians have up to seven votes each.
             o The Seanad must become a real and effective structure in creating and reviewing draft                 legislation
             o It should have an input into appointments to State Boards and in assessing EU
                 regulation and directives

• Entrepreneurship and employment
             o We have to create opportunities for people to start and grow businesses and
                 eliminate the current road blocks
             o If elected, I can bring a real awareness of the needs of business to the Oireachtas

• Our unique heritage, culture and language in a global society
             o Real and practical co-ordination between Government and non Government agencies in                 executing a tangible strategy
             o Táim ag seasamh í dtoghchán an tSeanaid mar go gcreidim go bhfuil smaointe
                 agus cultúr nua ag teastáil I bpolaitíocht na tire seo.

• Education
             o Support investment in education to a pre recession level within the next 12 months,
                in particular career guidance
             o Stimulate continuous executive education on a life long basis
                Emphasise training and education for trades and other professions
             o Identify areas in need of change. For example, over 20% of students drop out of
                some third level institutions before they reach the end of their first year.

You can get more information or, contact me through my website
http://www.pocelect.com or Facebook at

Enda O'CoineenCoineen, Enda O'
, Entrepreneur, Sportsman, Author



Paul D'AltonD'Alton, Paul
, Clinical Psychologist
I am standing in the Seanad election on the NUI panel and I am asking you for your No 1 Vote. We need senators who will fight for a kinder, more compassionate, more equal society where everyone has a say and every voice is heard. We need to change our thinking and we need strong voices to articulate a route to a fairer Ireland.

I have been at the frontline of health and education for 20 years as a psychologist, an educator and an equality campaigner. Every day, I see the effects of bad policy at first hand. I see the callousness in a system that ignores the most vulnerable, that blames the poor for their poverty and chides the sick for not getting better.

I have worked all my life in hospitals, in schools and in colleges and I have always driven improvement, everywhere I have worked. I know how to work hard and I know how to get things done. Now there is a chance to help make realistic policies at national level, and to drive progress towards better care and educational opportunities throughout Ireland. As an NUI graduate, you have an opportunity to use your vote to make a difference. A vote for Dr Paul D’Alton is a vote for a strong, coherent voice, steadfast in its determination to forge a better Ireland for all. Please give me your No. 1 or highest preference.

For more information please go to: www.drpauldalton.ie


Martin K DalyDaly, Martin Khare, Medical Doctor/General Practitioner

Máire DarkerDarker, Máire
, Voluntary Worker

Please lend me your No.1 vote. I will be a voice for equality and will be a fervent lobbyist for a fairer and more inclusive society.

Forbairt agus freastal a dhéanamh ar chur chun cinn na Gaeilge san Earnáil Phobail. I will oppose any attempt to dilute the importance of the Irish language and culture.

My priority would be a fit for purpose health care system funded properly to give best patient care. We need to address the scandal of patients waiting on trollies or being placed on endless waiting lists.

Children with a disability need every chance to achieve their full potential and adults with a disability have the right to live as independently as possible. I will fight cuts to their services.

Affordable housing and rental property is essential to a successful urban and rural economy. We need urgent investment and incentives to help first time buyers.

Low corporation tax has attracted international companies. However, asking these companies to pay a modest tax increase would help us fund a more balanced tax system to help working families.

I support the regeneration of rural communities. Investing in broadband is key to reducing social isolation and building rural businesses, keeping future generations of farming families on the land. This investment should be a priority for the next government.

Cronyism and patronage is rife in Irish politics. I will press for reforms in both the Dáil and the Seanad to make them more democratic and accountable to the electorate.

Karen DevineDevine, Karen
, Lecturer

Seanad Eireann Register CoverDinneen, Owen Joseph
, Member of Governing body UCC, Senate of NUI and Munster branch IRFU
Just to give you a little background. I left school at sixteen and after working as a chef for a number of years I entered Irish Rail in 1987 and subsequently became a train driver becoming the 6th generation of my family to work in CIE. In 2004, having to retire on medical grounds, I returned to education and progressed to UCC in September 2005. I graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Commerce and received Graduate of the year in 2009 (the first and only mature student to receive this accolade to date). On a voluntary basis, I am currently a Governor of UCC and represent the University on the NUI Senate. Furthermore, I represent UCC RFC on the Munster Branch of the IRFU.
I am determined to make a difference and should you elect me to Seanad Éireann I will dedicate my entire time to this role as I do not hold any other position. Areas which I am passionate about include the following;

  • Education
  • Health
  • Sport
  • SME’s
  • Elderly
  • Oireachtas reform
  • Credit Unions

I have outlined on my website www.owenjdinneen.com further information on each of the topics mentioned above.

Please give me your number one vote or your highest possible preference.


Luke FieldField, Luke
, University Tutor

I am seeking your #1 vote to make a difference for our students, staff, and graduates of higher education.

I have seen first-hand the problems facing our students, graduates, and higher education staff. I have been an undergraduate student, a postgraduate student, a member of administrative staff, and an academic tutor in various institutions in Ireland. I’ve seen students face increased costs and decreased supports, graduates applying for fewer and fewer entry-level jobs, and the increase of precarious working conditions for our third-level staff.

These issues cannot be addressed without NUI Senators adequately representing their constituency and making the case for education as a social good. Moreover, broader questions about the funding model used in higher education demand enthusiastic and dedicated representatives, who will fight to prevent students from being saddled with toxic debt.

As well as higher education, I am committed to continuing Ireland’s social progress: delivering properly-resourced public services, repealing the Eighth Amendment and promoting women’s equality in the workplace, and opening up our school system to reflect the diversity of families in modern Ireland. I also wish to see the Seanad reformed to become a democratic and representative body where all citizens may have a voice, particularly those who have all too frequently been left on the margins.

In order to work on your behalf to protect Irish higher education, to continue Ireland’s progress on social reform, and to deliver a Seanad worthy of our Republic, I am asking for your #1 vote or highest available preference.

Pearce FlanneryFlannery, Pearce,Businessman

Ross Golden-BannonGolden-Bannon, Ross, Journalist






Laura HarmonHarmon, Laura, Former USI President, Women's and Equality Advocate

Laura Harmon was president of the Union of Students in Ireland in 2014/2015. During that time she represented over 300,000 students across the island on education and social issues. During her tenure, USI also registered 30,000 new voters ahead of the marriage equality referendum. She also served on the board of the Higher Education Authority. Prior to this, Laura was Equality and Citizenship Officer with USI for two years. She was a board member of the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability and the Irish Council for International Students. She is a graduate of University College Cork.

Aideen HaydenHayden, Aideen
, Senator, Chair of Threshold, Solicitor

This country is in a housing crisis. Whether for families now homeless, worried about losing their homes, not able to get a first home, or for the health of the economy, radical action must be taken. I have been a passionate campaigner on housing for many years, and my housing expertise has helped to win some important reforms.

The two-year rent freeze, to stem the tide of homelessness, will make a real difference and would not have happened were I not in the Senate. Last year the homeless prevention service which I helped to set up kept 6,000 people in their homes and I championed legislation to establish a deposit protection scheme, removing another cause of homelessness. I’ve also been able to intervene successfully on behalf of many people in mortgage arrears. These are just some of the things I’m glad I was able to do.

But a lot more needs to be done, urgently. We need an effective strategy to make rental housing a secure option. We need legislation to ensure that when rented homes are sold into receivership or to vulture funds, that tenants’ homes remain protected. We need to build more houses, and NAMA’s resources must help to build social housing. And we need to help young people to have access to affordable homes, which means controlling the price of building land and construction costs more effectively.

It is for this reason above all that I ask for your Number One vote.

Rory HearneHearne, Rory
, Policy Analyst, former Lecturer Maynooth, Community Worker, Social Justice Campaigner

We are 100 years since the Proclamation that declared a Republic that would cherish all of our children equally. Yet we have almost 1,900 children homeless. It is time that we prioritised a social recovery for all our citizens. That is what I will do if I am elected to the Seanad. Ireland is a deeply unequal country and we need voices who have the expertise, experience and passion to drive social change. We need political representatives who will prioritise the key issues of the housing crisis, quality jobs, child poverty, affordable childcare, and sustaining and supporting communities. These are the issues that I have worked and campaigned on for all my adult life.

I offer a unique independent voice for change, equality and social justice for Ireland. I am an academic and policy expert on housing, economics and social policy (I was a community worker with Barnardos, former lecturer in Maynooth and currently I am a Senior Policy Analyst with an equality research Think Tank).

I am a dad who is determined to make Ireland’s future better and fairer for all citizens – particuarly our children.

I will work tirelessly to ensure that we have a National Housing & Affordable Homes Agency; better tenant protections; strong housing rights; and a public forum on the housing crisis. I will propose and advocate for solutions that ensure everyone can access affordable childcare and education, high quality public healthcare, decent jobs and a living wage, as well as community and family services. I will work to Repeal the 8th Amendment and achieve Right2Change policies.

I will push for all citizens to have a vote in Seanad Elections and to reform the house so that it has real powers to scrutinise and challenge poor government policy. See www.roryhearne.ie for more information on my policies and background. Thank you for taking the time to read this and please don’t forget to post your ballot! Please vote for me, Rory Hearne, the candidate who has the track record of a commitment to, and delivering, real change in Ireland.

Dr Rory Hearne

Independent Seanad Candidate NUI Panel

Alice-Mary HigginsHiggins, Alice-Mary
, Policy Coordinator, National Women's Council of Ireland, Advocate for Social and Economic Equality



John HigginsHiggins, John, Community Affairs Consultant

John Higgins – Independent Community and Public Affairs Candidate
I am campaigning on a number of core issues about which I feel passionate and with which I am closely associated:

Balanced Regional Development
As the former CEO of the Western Development Partnership Board one of my top priorities will be to have increased emphasis placed on a much greater spread of economic and social development and job creation throughout the entire country.

Community Enterprise Development
I continue to work as a professional community mentor in many towns and villages throughout Ireland. Right now for instance I am contracted by Roscommon County Council to mentor the 6 Town Teams in that county. I am a passionate believer that every town and village in Ireland has unrealised potential for development. I will fight to bring renewed sustainability to our small towns and rural hinterlands throughout the country which have been devastated by depopulation and dereliction.

Retirement Planning
I am a former CEO of the Retirement Planning Council of Ireland from 2008 to 2013. I continue to work in providing retirement planning advice within the auspices of my own company, JH Public Affairs Ltd.. Approximately 20,000 people retire every year and by 2030 we will have 1.1 million pensioners. Senior citizens and retirees have no dedicated public representative and advocate for these real life issues. Many have seen their pension ‘pots’ seriously depleted by government action in recent years. I want to put many retirement issues on the real agenda of Government.

Social Innovation
I am a voluntary member of Social Innovation Fund Ireland (SIFI) with a mission to help many more social innovators to be recognised and supported along the path of creativity. I will be a strong advocate for greater and more flexible approaches by Government to the concept of social innovation.

Qualifications include
MBA in Political Communication; BA in Economics; C.Dip in Accounting and Finance; C.Dip in Life Coaching; Primary Teaching Diploma.

Statement of support from Marian Harkin MEP
I am pleased to nominate John Higgins to stand in this election to Seanad Éireann. I have known John for many years since we worked together on behalf of the Western Development Partnership Board. I believe that John will be a strong advocate for balanced regional development in the next Seanad.

Carol HuntHunt, Carol
. Journalist

Barry JohnstonJohnston, Barry
, Human Rights Campaigner

Christy KenneallyKenneally, Christy
, Communications Consultant, Writer, Broadcaster

'My name is Christy Kenneally and I am asking you to vote for me in the
Seanad Election. Why ?, because I believe I can make a difference and sometimes you have to stand up and be counted.

I am passionate about suicide prevention and postvention, bereavement
support, mental health reform, positive ageing, social inclusion, education,
homelessness, rights of the elderly, equality, cancer care, and building
resilience. I am also committed to reform of the Seanad.

For over forty years I have advocated for social change and reform. During that time I have been privileged to work with the many voluntary, corporate, community and government organisations throughout this country who are committed to providing services that make a difference to peoples quality of life. I believe there is no point in developing great policies and strategies if we don't implement them. One death by suicide is one too many. Yet every year hundreds of our citizens die by suicide and many more attempt suicide. There are many people struggling in Ireland today who are not being listened to and I want to change that.

As an NUI graduate I would be proud to represent you in Seanad Éireann and if elected I will continue to work tirelessly to help build a more caring, compassionate and inclusive society.;

Please check out my website for further information. www.christykenneally.com

Thank you,
Christy '

Michael McDowellMcDowell, Michael
, Senior Counsel
I am seeking election to the Seanad to provide a strong, experienced and independent voice to our parliament and to make reform of the Upper Chamber – to include a Seanad vote for every Irish citizen – a political priority.

In October 2013, the Irish people rejected the proposed abolition of the Seanad. I, along with public figures such as Senator Feargal Quinn Senator Katherine Zappone (both of whom have endorsed my candidacy) campaigned for its retention on the promise that Seanad Éireann could be reformed into a vibrant and dynamic chamber with an important role to play in Irish democracy.

That reform is yet to take place, and I am seeking your support in order to make it happen. Seanad Éireann needs members who recognise its potential and who are passionate about its transformation.

During my time as Attorney General, Minister for Justice, and Tánaiste, I witnessed first-hand the thoughtful and insightful contributions of senators from across the political spectrum. This experience underscored to me the ability of Seanad Éireann to make a valuable contribution to the legislative process.

I am now seeking a mandate from the graduates of the National University of Ireland to lead change from within Seanad Éireann and complete the job that the Irish electorate started when it rejected the abolition of our Seanad.

Best wishes


Daragh Mc GrealMc Greal, Daragh
, Economist and Law Lecturer

"I am running for a seat on the NUI Panel because I want to improve policy analysis in the Oireachtas. I believe I can do this. I am one of the few people in Ireland trained at predicting the economic effects of legislation and I am certain we need this in Irish politics.

This means evidence-based decision-making. It means looking at the data before we introduce a bill. It means determining how each legislative change will affect the lives of citizens. It means designing laws so our collective welfare is maximised. This is not just about economic issues, but about everyday life.

As the role of Seanad Éireann is to analyse legislation, it is the ideal place in which to apply this skill. I am looking for your vote to help me make it a reality. You can find out more about me, my priorities, and extensive policy analysis on my website daraghmcgreal.ie – please take a look. I am confident I can add vibrancy and rigour to Irish politics. All I need is your number 1."

Thanks again,


Michael MolloyMolloy, Michael Sean
, Hospital Consultant

Personal statement
Dr Michael Molloy, MB FFSEM FRCEM MSc Dip SpMed Dip Health Info
Emergency Medicine Consultant, Wexford General, Bon Secours Tralee

  • Former President Irish Medical Organisation
  • Former Rugby League International
  • Council Member Prehospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC)
  • Member European Board Emergency Medicine
  • Board Member Faculty Sports and Exercise Medicine RCSI & RCPI
  • Chairman Rugby League Ireland
  • Director Disaster Medicine Research, BIDMC and HHI Harvard Affiliated Fellowship in Disaster Medicine, Boston, Mass

A chara

I stand for our health and education services which develop and sustain us and which both require our sustained investment and interest to maintain and indeed improve the standard of services provided. I have trained in Ireland, Italy and also in the Harvard Medical School system in Boston where I continue to be employed as Director of Research at the Disaster Medicine Fellowship program.

I work as an emergency medicine consultant in Wexford General hospital and Bon Secours Hospital Tralee presently and have worked in many of our hospitals during my time as a non consultant hospital doctor in Ireland. I have seen firsthand the sustained impact of the cuts of the late 1980’s on our health services with initially overcrowded wards which has led to the almost complete blockage of our emergency departments with trolleys. This problem is solvable but needs individuals with passion, knowledge and an ability to influence inside the house of the Oireachtas. I believe I have the skillsets required to advocate on your behalf should you deem me worthy of your vote to be one of the three NUI Seanad representatives.

I currently serve as Board Member of the Pre-Hospital emergency care Council (PHECC) the body charged with governing the educational structures and regulating pre-hospital care practitioners (EMTS, paramedics, advanced paramedics) in Ireland. I am intricately involved in promoting and enhancing the skillsets of this group to ensure a high functioning and well trained emergency response system in Ireland. I have used, and if elected will continue to use, the skills I developed as a Disaster and Crisis Leadership Fellow in the Harvard Medical system for the benefit of advancing our Emergency Medical Services ultimately for the benefit of society as a whole.

Through the offices of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine in Ireland I am advocating for standards to be developed for ALL sporting activities to ensure safety of participants and that well trained individuals, when required, are present to provide emergency care to both participants and also to the crowds present at sporting events and large gatherings. I have called on the relevant Ministers to update and enhance the 1996 Codes of Practice on Safety at Indoor and Outdoor Pop concerts and Sporting events to ensure that attendees are appropriately cared for should an emergency occur.

As a parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder I am keenly aware of the impact early intervention can have on a child and the benefit of special needs assistants and resource teachers in schools. To ensure sustained impact this is a service that must be enhanced and not withdrawn for vulnerable children. Many parents are unaware of how to access services such as the July Provision and I believe this one-to-one service should be enhanced further. I commit to advocate for this if elected.

As a parent and medical doctor with a background of involvement in sports at a high level I see firsthand both the benefits that exercise can have on both physical and mental well being. I serve as underage coach in Rugby, Athletics and GAA to ensure that my own children are as active and healthy as they can be and that they benefit from the social interactivity offered. If elected I would push to introduce mandatory physical education and activity to the curriculum and for increased investment in participation at all levels.

My track record

  • Professional Experience as Medical Doctor in Ireland, UK, Australia and USA with Board Level Experience at EU level
  • Administrative Board Level Experience –
         o Elected to Eastern Regional Health Authority
         o Irish Medical Organisation
         o PreHospital Emergency Care Council
         o Ministerial Appointee to Verification Board
         o Task Force on Medical Staffing
  • Commercial experience – founded two successful companies in Ireland
  • Writing experience
         o Columnist with Irish Medical Times for >10 years with over 400 pieces published, winner         Medical media opinion of the year 2011
         o Published pieces in Irish Times, Dublin Daily, Ireland on Sunday and multiple
            professional journals
         o Associate Editor Ciottones Disaster Medicine , Elsevier 2016
  • Leadership Experience
         o Chair IMO NCHD Committee for 6 years
         o Chair Acute Hospitals Committee East Coast Area Health Board, Ireland, 2000-2003
         o In 2000 Elected President IMO – at time only junior doctor in the World elected president
            of a National Medical Professional Society
         o 2002 Nominated to attend World Medical Association future health leaders forum in        Washington
         o Completing Crisis leadership Fellowship in Boston under guidance of Richard Serino
            former Deputy director FEMA

I am a true independent, not a member of any political party and believe I bring the broad range of personal and life skills and experiences to the Seanad which are required of the post and which were initially intended when the constitution of the Seanad was originally designed.

Vote Number 1 to bring a “micktatorship” to the house

Paddy MonahanMonahan, Paddy
, Barrister






Rónán MullenMullen, Rónán Thomas, Full-time public representative (Senator)

Dear Voter,

As an Independent Senator I aim to put the dignity of every person and fairness for each section of the community at the top of the political agenda. With economic recovery gathering pace, now is the time to renew our culture and institutions. Irish people deserve a society that respects every person–and a health system that honours the human dignity of old and young.

We need our schools and colleges properly resourced to help all sectors of our society to prosper. Party leaders may not want it - but we must insist on political reform to ensure better democratic participation - to overcome the fractiousness, fragmentation and alienation that now be devils our politics. We need our media to promote thorough debate instead of manipulating public opinion. As a small, neutral, country we should reclaim our role as a voice for global solidarity – leading by example with responsible policies on climate change and the environment.

I aim to build consensus around these values. But I am not slow to challenge government when it undermines family life or threatens human life itself. Politics is not for telling people how to live their lives – it’s about social cohesion and preventing marginalisation, poverty and disorder. Too many children are denied a decent family life. Many of our social problems start from there.

I will continue to examine policy and legislation to support what upholds, and challenge what undermines, human dignity. Please give me your No. 1 vote or highest available preference.

Le míle buíochas agus gach dea-ghuí


Eddie MurphyMurphy, Eddie
, Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health Advocate, Author

Put a passionate voice focusing on solutions for our mental health crises in the Seanad. General well-meaning concerns expressed by others are no substitute for professional expertise and personal passion. This is what I do. I campaigned for Yes for Marriage Equality, it’s my belief that Mental Health is the new equality issue that requires new vision and new conversations. Today’s mental health and disability services are now where cancer services were in the 1970’s; neglected, tokenistic and underfunded.

As a Clinical Psychologist, I understand the negative impact of lack of services and vision for children & adults with mental health difficulties, autism, & disabilities, their families and our communities.

  • I will put forward solutions to our suicide and mental health crises.
  • I am a systems thinkers’ and I know that resolving our health crises requires a focus on systems and society. Radical Seanad reform is essential. Inequalities exist.
  • I will advocate and support families by prioritising affordable and quality childcare services.
  • I will target the big issues of homelessness, social, educational, and health inequalities.
  • I respect our teachers; they need to be valued and hired at equal pay for fulltime work.
  • I have the vision, passion and authenticity to advocate for change that promotes a society that is compassionate, hopeful, optimistic and resilient.

    I am a husband to Carol and a dad to Oisín 8yrs and Darragh 6ys.

    I am Truly Independent not conveniently independent.

Ellen O'Malley DunlopO'Malley Dunlop, Ellen
, Former CEO of DRCC, Psychotherapist, Teacher
Brendan PricePrice, Brendan, M. Biol. Inst. Irl., Director, Irish Seal Sanctuary, Wildlife Advocate and Author

Rose KieranRose, Kieran Alexander
, Planner, Commissioner, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

I have a successful track record over many years of devising effective strategies for social progress in areas such as equality and human rights and also areas of housing and planning.

These changes were opposed strongly by powerful vested interests and I had the central role of putting in place a persuasion strategy, building consensus and building alliances, to achieve that social progress.

As Senator I will use that expertise, experience and strategic nous to achieve practical progress on the themes of my Seanad Eireann campaign such as (see www.kieranrose.ie):

  • Improved supply of affordable quality housing
  • Tackling vested interests
  • Openness, Transparency and Accountability
  • Making Equality and Human Rights the cornerstone of public policy
  • Repeal of the 8th Amendment

As a Planner with more than 30 years experience I know the very practical and easy to implement measures to increase the supply of quality and affordable housing and I set out some of these measures in a recent article in the Irish Examiner entitled: “Right policies robustly implemented can solve housing crisis”

Recently I wrote in the Irish Times about how the Department of Environment tried to silence me as a Planner from making public criticisms of their severe reduction in apartment standards. As Senator I would have much greater scope to tackle such insider dealings.

Kieran Rose is a Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, co-chair of GLEN and a Planner by profession.


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