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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Minister Signs Order Detailing Seanad Éireann Election Dates


The details of the forthcoming elections to Seanad Éireann have now been confirmed. Three members of Seanad Éireann will be elected in the NUI constituency.

The last day for receipt of nominations in the NUI constituency is 3 March 2016. Further information for prospective candidates is available here:

The NUI Electoral Register published on 1 June 2015 will be used in this election. Voting papers will be posted on 21 March 2016 to all registered electors to the addresses recorded on the register. The close of poll will be 11.00 a.m. on 26 April 2016.

If you have changed address and would like to update your details, please let us know by downloading and returning a completed Graduate Record Update form.

You can also inform NUI in writing to: Records Office, National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 or by email to elections@nui.ie.

The Electoral Register is not available online. If you wish to check that you are on the register you can contact NUI at elections@nui.ie or (01) 439 24 24. To assist in identifying you on the register, please include the following information:

• Full name at time of graduation/registration
• Any other form of name used (e.g. Irish, single, married, etc.)
• Date of birth
• NUI degree(s) and other NUI qualification(s)
• Year(s) of conferring(s) and NUI institution(s) where conferred
• Previous address
• Current address.

We will respond promptly to all enquiries.

Copies of the Electoral Register are available for inspection in the libraries of the NUI Constituent Universities, in the National Library, and in the NUI office at 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

The next edition of the register will be published on 1 June 2016. The last date for submitting claims for inclusion on the register which will be published on 1 June 2016 is 26 February 2016.





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