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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Vacancy: Administrative Officer for Academic Affairs


Administrative Officer for Academic Affairs (Fixed Purpose Contract)

The Role

The National University of Ireland (NUI) seeks to fill the temporary post of Administrative Officer for Academic Affairs, an Administrative Officer grade post, on a Fixed Purpose Contract for 24 months.

The Administrative Officer for Academic Affairs will provide a high level of professional and proactive administrative support to the Manager of Academic Affairs, the Head of Academic Services and Registry, and/or the NUI Registrar (as required) in connection with:

  1. policies, procedures and guidelines in a range of academic areas;
  2. the quality assurance procedures of NUI;
  3. the portfolio of programmes approved by NUI in Recognised Colleges;
  4. the NUI awards programme for undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students.
  5. Full details and job spec can be found in the link below.

Application Instructions:

Completed applications should be submitted by email to: personnel@nui.ie. or a hard copy can be sent to:

Ms Patricia Maguire,
Head of Academic Services and Registry,
National University of Ireland,
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2.

Your application must include:

  • Cover letter (for the attention of Ms Patricia Maguire, Head of Academic Services and Registry)
  • Curriculum Vitae (please include in this document the names and contact details of two referees)

The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, 28th January 2019 at 5.00pm.



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