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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Chancellor welcomes the election of Professor Michael Murphy as President of the EUA


Professor Michael Murphy, former President of University College Cork, has been elected President of the European University Association (EUA). The election took place at the association’s 21st Annual General Assembly, held at Sorbonne University, Paris on 11th April.

Professor Murphy takes over the Presidency of the EUA Board at a time of fast-moving change and challenge for universities and other Higher Education institutions across Europe and world-wide. The EUA has more than 800 universities and other higher education bodies in its membership and enjoys significant influence on EU and wider policies on higher education globally.

Welcoming the election result, the NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning, commented:

I am delighted to warmly congratulate Michael Murphy on his election to the prestigious and influential role of President of the European University Association. This is a significant personal and professional achievement for Michael, who has already contributed much to the work of the EUA Board for many years. It was encouraging to see the support expressed for Michael’s leadership by a majority of EUA members this morning. I am particularly gratified that a former President of University College Cork and Vice-Chancellor of the NUI will now spearhead the work of the Association for the coming five-year period”.

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