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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Awarding of higher doctorates on published work


Awarding of higher doctorates on published work

At its meeting on 5 November, the Senate awarded higher doctorate degrees as follows:

  1. Professor Peter Lawlor was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine (DMed) for his published work in the field of palliative medicine.

    Professor Peter McHugh was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) for his published work in the field of biomedical engineering.

Earlier in 2020, the following higher doctorates were awarded:

  1. Professor Antonio Chuh was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) for his published work in the field of dermatology.

    Professor Aidan Coffey was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science for his published work in the field of microbial biocontrol and bio-preservation.

    Professor Austin Duffy was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine (DMed) for his published work in the field of primary liver cancer (transitioning to an immune-based approach).

    Dr Paul Garrett was awarded the degree of Doctor of Literature for his published work in the field of social work (social work, social policy, social history, critical social theory).

    Professor George Shorten was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) for his published work in anaesthesia (anaesthetic Techniques to optimise postoperative patient outcomes).

Degrees on published work awarded by the National University of Ireland are higher doctorates and are the highest qualifications awarded by the University. They are awarded to scholars who have, over a sustained period, published a substantial body of ground-breaking and influential work in a field of specialisation and who have achieved outstanding distinction internationally in that field. The work published will usually consist of articles in leading international peer-reviewed scholarly journals and/or books published by leading academic publishers and distributed internationally.

Further information from:

Dr Attracta Halpin
Registration Officer
National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square
Dublin 2, D02 V583
Ph: 01 4392424
Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq



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