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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Dante Summer School



In the year that marks the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death, we are delighted to announce the launch of the third edition of the Dublin Dante Summer School. The project has received collaboration and support from the Italian Embassy in Dublin, the National University of Ireland, TCD Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, TCD School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies, Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation, UCD College of Arts and Humanities, UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, The UCD Foundation for Italian Studies. 

The Dante Summer School based in Dublin is meant to attract national and international attention to the Italian language, literature and culture through the study and teaching of Dante’s Divine Comedy, one of the poetic masterworks of Western culture.

This year’s online edition of the Dublin Dante Summer School will consist of four days with live lectures, workshops, and events with internationally renowned scholars in the field of Dante studies, international writers, performers and artists, and IIC, TCD, UCD members of staff. Students and scholars from Ireland, the UK, Europe and the US will participate, too. The theme of this year is “Nel ciel che piú de la sua luce prende”: Dante’s Paradiso


To participate, please register by email sending your contact details (your name, surname, and email address) to dublindanteschool@gmail.comThose who will register by June 19th will receive the link and the password to access to this year’s free online edition of the Dublin Dante Summer School.

Hashtag: #DublinDanteSummerSchool

For more information please see poster and programme below.

Please click to zoom image


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