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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

NUI Art and Design Gallery Launch


NUI Art and Design Gallery Launch

Since 2004, the NUI Art and Design Prize has been awarded to graduates of NCAD who have demonstrated excellence in one of the Art and Design disciplines. Award recipients receive a Purchase Prize of €2,000 in exchange for their artwork, which becomes NUI's property. To promote academic distinction among NUI students and graduates, NUI awards this prize as part of its core mission.

In accordance with this aim, NUI is delighted to open the NUI Art and Design gallery to showcase graduates' various artistic talents. There is a strong emphasis on challenging social and cultural narratives that are created in these pieces, exploring innovative art techniques, and challenging viewers into deep philosophical reflection. Here you can see all the projects displayed.

One of the artists showcased in the NUI Art and Design Gallery is Jennifer Kelly, the recipient of the 2022 award for her 'Colligo' photograph collection. This project led her to note the following:

‘This piece focuses on capturing how an individual might engage
in their surroundings as an observer. This is not a project about the pandemic,
it is a project about a by-product of the current societal situation’.

Jennifer Kelly


As part of her project, Jennifer Kelly explores various methods of collecting, organising and documenting different artifacts found throughout her journeys. A recent BA graduated in Fine Art, Print Jennifer continues to explore array of materials and methods in her artistry.

The next artwork will be selected from the NCAD Graduate Show in 2023.

To see all the projects displayed, please visit the NUI Art and Design gallery.



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