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22 October 2024  

NUI, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Ireland, awards medals and prizes to students of French at NUI Awards Ceremony


Full Listing of all winners

For ninety years the French Government has supported the study of French in NUI constituent universities by presenting medals to top ranking BA students for proficiency in French. This tradition continued at the recent NUI Awards Ceremony, held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, where five students across the constituent universities were each presented with a French Government medal and an NUI Prize of €1,000.


In addition to these awards, NUI has come together with the French Embassy in Ireland to recognise the growing collaboration between Irish and French universities. Dual-degree programmes have been established between the NUI constituent universities and a range of universities in France. These new partnerships highlight the importance of such collaborations, which in part prepare students for international careers in global markets. This year for the first time NUI constituent universities have nominated students who have particularly distinguished themselves on a dual degree programme. Each of these students has been awarded a French Government medal and an NUI prize of €1,000 at the Awards Ceremony.

The recipients of French Government Medals and NUI Prizes in 2016 for distinction on dual degrees awarded by NUI constituent universities and French universities include:

Marianne Madden
University College Dublin

(Bachelor of Civil Law, University Paris 2 and University Toulouse 1)

The BCL/Maîtrise is a 4-year Law Dual Degree Programme leading to the award of an Irish law qualification (BCL) and a French primary law degree (Maîtrise en Droit or Master 1 regarded as a Master’s degree level course). The Programme was established in 2005 in partnership with the University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), and extended to another partner, the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, in 2009. The Programme offers a unique opportunity for a small number of highly motivated and ambitious students to undertake studies in common law and civil law.

Niall Colbert
University College Cork

(Master Erasmus Mundus MITRA, University Lille 3)

MITRA is an Erasmus Mundus Masters programme which involves a consortium of eight universities including University College Cork and the University of Lille 3. Focusing on ‘Intercultural Mediation: Identities, Mobilities and Conflicts’, this programme, now in its fifth year, is interdisciplinary with the aim of training experts in issues relating to the movement of peoples, intergroup relations, situations of crisis and conflict, management of diversity, and cultural and political strategies within territories undergoing reconstruction.

Mari McMahon
National University of Ireland, Galway

(PhD in Biomedical Sciences, University Rennes 1)

NUI Galway and the University of Rennes have engaged in a ‘cotutelle’ agreement that encourages cooperation between the two universities to support a doctoral candidate in the natural sciences in their studies by the sharing of facilities and engaging in joint or shared supervision arrangements.

Emer Shannon
Maynooth University

(LLM in International Business Law, University Catholique Lyon)

The LLM in International Business Law is jointly offered by the Department of Law in Maynooth University and the School of Law at the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy); it enables law graduates to further their legal education by gaining a systematic understanding of the critical issues at the forefront of select areas of international business law. The programme has been running since 2011 and last year it attracted 11 students.

Full Listing of all winners


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