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27 July 2024  

NUI Awards

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NUI Awards 2024

NUI Awards on offer in 2024 will include:

  1. NUI Grants towards Scholarly Publications
    (Closed for applications)
  2. NUI Grant Scheme for Early Career Academics
    (Open for applications)
  3. Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award
  4. NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships in the Humanities and Social Sciences
    (Closed for applications)
  5. NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships in the Sciences and Engineering
    (Closed for applications)

For more information, sign up to the NUI Awards Mailing List, contact awards@nui.ie or follow NUI on Twitter at @NUIMerrionSq or #NUIAwards.


NUI Awards Ceremony 2023

The NUI Awards Ceremony 2023 will be available here shortly.