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22 October 2024  

NUI Convocation Notice of Election Meeting to Elect Chancellor


Dr Garret FitzGerald The election of the Chancellor of the National University of Ireland, to succeed Dr Garret FitzGerald in 2009, will take place at a meeting of Convocation to be held in the National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, on Thursday 12th March 2009 at 10 o'clock a.m. The poll will remain open for one hour. The latest date for receipt of nominations is Friday 10th October 2008.

The Nomination form shall state the name and address in Ireland of the person nominated, and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the person nominated. If two or more persons have been duly nominated, the Clerk of Convocation shall, not less than eight weeks before the Election Meeting, give public notice of the following: the date of the Election Meeting and the names of the persons nominated, in alphabetical order.

Download Nomination Form

con Members of Convocation (the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the members of Senate, the professors and lecturers and the graduates of the University) may vote either in person at the Election Meeting or by post. A voting paper shall be sent only to those memberswho shall have applied for one in writing before a specified date.

The election will be held in accordance with the provisions of Statute LXXXVI, Chapter Vl, Statute CII, Chapter I and Statute CCXXVIII, Chapter II, of the National University of Ireland.Therese Madden, BSocSc, DASS, MSW (NUI), MPhil (Dub)Clerk of Convocation, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Email: elections@nui.ie

An Chomhghairm Oé Fógra Cruinnithe Toghcháin Chun Seansailéir a Thoghadh

Dochtúir Gearóid MacGearailtToghfaidh an Chomhghairm Seansailéir na hOllscoile, a leanfaidh an Dochtúir Gearóid MacGearailt I 2009, ag cruinniú den Chomhghairm a thionólfar in Ollscoil na hÉireann, 49 Cearnóg Mhuirfean, Baile Átha Cliath 2, Déardaoin, 12ú lá de Márta 2009, ag 10 a chlog a.m. Mairfidh an vótaíocht ar feadh uaire.Is é Dé hAoine, 10ú Deireadh Fómhair 2008 an dáta deireanach ainmniúcháin.

Luafaidh an foirm ainmniúcháin ainm agus seoladh in Éirinn duine a bheas ainmnithe, agus beidh ag gabháil leis, i scríbhinn, toiliú an duine a bheas ainmnithe.
Má bhíonn beirt nó níos mó ainmnithe go cuí, déanfaidh Cléireach na Comhghairme, ocht seachtain ar a laghad roimh an gCruinniú Toghcháin, fógrá poiblí ina mbeidh dáta Cruinniú an Toghcháin agus in ord foclóra ainmneacha na ndaoine a bheas ainmnithe.

Download Nomination Form

Féadfaidh Comhaltaí na Comhghairme (an Seansailéir, an Leas-Seansailéir, comhaltaí an tSeanaid, ollúna, léachtóirí agus céimithe na hOllscoile) vótáil i bpearsan ag an gCruinniú Toghcháin nó leis an bpost. Ní cuirfear páipéir vótála ach chuig na Comhaltaí sin a bheas tar éis dá n-iarraidh i scríbhinn roimh dháta a luafar.

Toghfar an Seansailéir de réir forálacha Reachta LXXXVI, Caibidil Vl, Reachta CII, Caibidil I agus Reachta CCXXVIII, Caibidil II, d’Ollscoil na hÉireann Therese Madden, BSocSc, DASS, MSW (NUI), MPhil (Dub)Cléireach na Comhghairme, 49 Cearnóg Mhuirfean, Baile átha Cliath 2 Ríomhphost: elections@nui.ie