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Monday 13 January 2025  

No Grade Inflation in awarding of First Class Honours degrees by NUI constituent universities


Analyses conducted annually by NUI of examination results across the NUI constituent universities provide no evidence of serious grade inflation in the awarding of First Class Honours degrees. In 1999, 9.4% of graduating students were awarded First Class Honours by the four NUI constituent universities. At that time significant numbers of Extern Examiners appointed by the NUI Senate commented on the relatively low proportions of First Class Honours degrees awarded in the constituent universities. In 2007, the percentage of First Class Honours degrees awarded was 15.6%.
By agreement, in the interests of maintaining comparably high standards, the NUI constituent universities share information on the awarding of degrees. The results of degree examinations in the NUI constituent universities have been analysed systematically by NUI since 1999 using data provided by the constituent universities.