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Sunday 9 February 2025  

Human Rights Principles and Code of Conduct



The National University of Ireland (NUI) was founded under the Irish Universities Act 1908 and given its charter in that year. Re-structured under the Universities Act 1997, NUI today is a federation of autonomous self governing universities, having other higher education institutions associated with the university as recognised colleges. All of these institutions have joined together in the preparation of this document, which has been prepared with expert advice from the Irish Human Rights Commission and other stakeholders. In bringing the document to completion, NUI was greatly assisted by the work of an Expert Group on Human Rights, chaired by the Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning and with representatives from each of the four NUI constituent universities and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

The preparation of these principles and code of conduct was informed by the growing recognition within Ireland that all public institutions must operate in full compliance with the highest standards of human rights, and by appreciation of the new challenges and opportunities associated with the increasing internationalisation of NUI universities and member institutions both at home and abroad.

The purpose of these principles and code of conduct is to guide NUI universities and member institutions as they discuss, adopt and implement their own policies





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